Article 217
The President of the Republic negotiates, signs and ratifies the international treaties and agreements.
The ratification may only intervene after the authorization of the Parliament, notably in that which concerns the treaties of peace, the treaties of defense, the treaties of commerce, the treaties relative to the natural resources or the agreements relative to the international organizations, those which engage the finances of the State, those which modify the provisions of a legislative nature, those which are relative to the status [état] of persons, [and] those that include cession, exchange or adjunction of the territory.
Article 218
The law determines the agreements dispensed from the procedure of ratification.
The President of the Republic and the Presidents of the two Chambers of the Parliament are informed of all negotiations tending to the conclusion of an international agreement not submitted to ratification.
Article 219
No cession, no exchange, no adjunction of the territory is valid without the consent of the Congolese People called to decide by way [voie] of referendum.
Article 220
With the exception of the President of the Republic and of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, every representative of the State must, for the adoption or authentication of an international engagement, produce full powers.
Article 221
The Republic of the Congo may conclude agreements of association with other States.
It accepts to create, with those States, intergovernmental organs [organismes] of common administration, of coordination, of free cooperation and of integration.
Article 222
If the Constitutional Court has declared that an international engagement includes a clause contrary to the Constitution, the authorization to ratify it or to approve it may only intervene after the revision of the Constitution.
Article 223
The treaties or the agreements, regularly ratified or approved, have, from their publication, an authority superior to that of the laws, under the reserve, for each agreement or treaty of its application by the other Party.