
Republic of the Congo 2015 Constitution

Table of Contents


Article 240

The initiative of the revision of the Constitution belongs concurrently to the President of the Republic and to the members of the Parliament.

No procedure of revision may be engaged or pursued in [an] interim period or when it infringes the integrity of the territory.

The republican form, and the secular character of the State may not be made the object of revision.

Article 241

When it emanates from the President of the Republic, the bill of revision is submitted directly to referendum, after the opinion of the Supreme Court.

It may also be submitted, after the opinion of the Supreme Court, to the Parliament meeting in Congress, which decides by a vote with the majority of three-quarters (3/4) of its members.

When the proposal of revision emanates from a member of the Parliament, must be voted by three-quarters (3/4) of the members of the two Chambers of the Parliament meeting in Congress.

The President of the Republic is informed in advance of any bill of revision of the Constitution. He sends [fait parvenir] his opinion to the Parliament meeting in Congress.

Article 242

An organic law establishes the procedure for the revision of the Constitution.