Article 10. Fundamental principles
The State of Rwanda commits itself to upholding the following fundamental principles and ensuring their respect:
- prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide, fighting against denial and revisionism of genocide as well as eradication of genocide ideology and all its manifestations;
- eradication of discrmination and divisionism based on ethnicity, region or on any other ground as well as promotion of national unity;
- equitable power sharing;
- building a State governed by the rule of law, a pluralistic democratic Government, equality of all Rwandans and between men and women which is affirmed by women occupying at least thirty percent (30%) of positions in decision-making organs;
- building a State committed to promoting social welfare and establishing appropriate mechanisms for equal opportunity to social justice;
- constant quest for solutions through dialogue and consensus.
Article 11. Rwandan culture as a source of home-grown solutions
In order to build the nation, promote national culture and restore dignity, Rwandans, based on their values, initiate home-grown mechanisms to deal with matters that concern them.
Laws may establish different mechanisms for home-grown solutions.