
Samoa 1962 Constitution (reviewed 2017)

Table of Contents


82A. Ombudsman

  1. There is to be an Ombudsman (Komesina o Sulufaiga) appointed by the Head of State acting on the recommendation of the Legislative Assembly.
  2. The Ombudsman is to be appointed pursuant to the selection and appointment criteria and other terms and conditions provided by Act.
  3. The Ombudsman:
    1. is to be appointed for six (6) years; and
    2. is eligible for re-appointment; and
    3. on expiry of the term, continues in office until reappointed or a successor assumes the function of the office.
  4. The salary, allowances and other benefits of the Ombudsman:
    1. are to be determined by Act; and
    2. are to be charged on the Treasury Fund, without further appropriation than this subclause; and
    3. are not to be reduced during the term of office of the Ombudsman, unless as part of a general reduction of salaries applied proportionately to all persons whose salaries are determined by Act.
  5. The Ombudsman may be removed from office pursuant to the grounds and procedures provided by Act.

82B. Functions of Ombudsman

The functions of the Ombudsman are:

  1. to carry out the functions relating to promotion of good governance in public administration provided by Act; and
  2. to carry out the functions relating to human rights provided by Act; and
  3. to carry out any other functions provided by Act.
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