
Senegal 2001 Constitution (reviewed 2016)

Table of Contents


Article 1

The Republic of Senegal is secular, democratic, and social. It assures the equality before the law of all the citizens, without distinction of origin, of race, of sex [and] of religion. It respects all beliefs [croyances].

The official language of the Republic of Senegal is French. The national languages are the Diola, the Malinké, the Pular, the Sérère, the Soninké and the Wolof and any other national languages which shall be codified.

The motto of the Republic of Senegal is: “Un Peuple – Un But – Une Foi” [One People, One Goal, One Faith].

The flag of the Republic is composed of three bands[,] vertical and equal, of green, gold and red color. It has [porte], in green, in the center of the gold band, a star of five points.

The law determines the seal and the anthem of the Republic.

The principle of the Republic is: government of the people[,] by the people[,] and for the people.

Article 2

The Capital of the Republic of Senegal is Dakar. It may be transferred to any other place on the national territory.

Article 3

National sovereignty belongs to the Senegalese people, who exercise it by their representatives or by the way [voie] of referendum.

No section of the people, nor any individual, may arrogate the exercise of sovereignty.

Suffrage may be direct or indirect. It is always universal, equal, and secret.

All Senegalese nationals of both sexes, who are 18 years old, enjoying their civil and political rights, are electors within the conditions determined by the law.

Article 4

The political parties and coalitions of political parties participate [concourrent] in the expression of suffrage within the conditions established by the Constitution and by the law. They work for the forming [formation] of the citizens, for the promotion of their participation in national life and the management of public affairs.

The Constitution guarantees to the independent candidates participation all the types of election within the conditions defined by the law.

The political parties and coalitions of political parties, likewise the independent candidates, are held to respect the Constitution as well as the principles of national sovereignty and of democracy. They are forbidden to identify themselves to one race, to one ethnicity, to one sex, to one religion, to one sect, to one language or to one part of the territory.

The political parties are equally held to strictly respect the rules of good associative governance under penalty of sanctions susceptible to lead to suspension and to dissolution.

The Constitution guarantees equal rights to the political parties including those that oppose the policy of the Government in place.

The rules of constitution, of suspension and of dissolution of the political parties, the conditions under which these exercise their activities and benefit from public financing are determined by the law.

Article 5

Any act of racial, ethnic, or religious discrimination, as well as any regionalist propaganda infringing the internal security of the State or the territorial integrity of the Republic[,] is punished by the law.

Article 6

The institutions of the Republic are:

  • The President of the Republic,
    The National Assembly;

    The Government,

    The High Council of the Territorial Collectivities;

    The Economic, Social and Environmental Council,

    The Constitutional Council, the Supreme Court, the Court of Accounts and the Courts and Tribunals.