
Slovakia 1992 Constitution (reviewed 2017)

Table of Contents


Part One. The Economy of the Slovak Republic

Article 55

  1. The economy of the Slovak Republic is based on the principles of a socially and ecologically oriented market economy.
  2. The Slovak Republic protects and promotes economic competition. Details shall be laid down by law.

Article 56

  1. The National Bank of Slovakia is an independent central bank of the Slovak Republic. The National Bank of Slovakia may within its competence issue generally binding regulations, if so authorized by law.
  2. The supreme managing body of the National Bank of Slovakia is the Bank Council of the National Bank of Slovakia.
  3. The details pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be laid down by law.

Article 57

The Slovak Republic is a customs territory.

Article 58

  1. The financial management of the Slovak Republic is administered by its state budget. The state budget is adopted by means of a law.
  2. State budget revenues, the procedures of budget management and the relationship between the state budget and the budgets of territorial units shall be laid down by law.
  3. Special-purpose state funds linked to the state budget of the Slovak Republic are established by law.

Article 59

  1. There are state and local taxes and fees.
  2. Taxes and fees may be levied by law or on the basis of a law.

Part Two. Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic

Article 60

  1. The Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic is an independent body carrying out control of the management of
    1. budgetary resources approved under the law by the National Council of the Slovak Republic or government,
    2. property, property rights, funds, obligations and claims of state, public institutions and the National Property Fund of the Slovak Republic, municipalities, superior territorial units, legal persons with ownership interest of the state, legal persons with ownership interest of public institutions, legal persons with ownership interest of the National Property Fund of the Slovak Republic, legal persons with ownership interest of municipalities, legal persons with ownership interest of superior territorial units, legal persons established by municipalities, or legal persons established by superior territorial units,
    3. property, property rights, funds and claims that were granted to the Slovak Republic, legal persons or natural persons within the framework of development programs, or for other similar reasons from abroad,
    4. property, property rights, funds, obligations and claims for which the Slovak Republic undertook the guarantee,
    5. property, property rights, funds, obligations and claims of legal persons carrying out activities in the public interest.
  2. The control power of the Supreme Audit Office shall apply to the extent specified in paragraph 1 to
    1. the Government of the Slovak Republic, ministries and other central bodies of state administration of the Slovak Republic and bodies subordinated to them,
    2. state bodies, as well as legal persons that were founded or established by central bodies of state administration or other state bodies,
    3. municipalities and superior territorial units, legal persons established by municipalities, legal persons established by superior territorial units, legal persons with ownership interest of municipalities and legal persons with ownership interest of superior territorial units,
    4. special-purpose state funds, public institutions established by law, legal persons with ownership interest of public institutions, legal persons with ownership interest of the state,
    5. the National Property Fund of the Slovak Republic, legal persons with a specified ownership interest of the National Property Fund of the Slovak Republic,
    6. natural persons and legal persons.

Article 61

  1. The Supreme Audit Office is headed by a chairman. The chairman and deputy chairmen of the Supreme Audit Office are elected and recalled by the National Council of the Slovak Republic.
  2. Any citizen of the Slovak Republic who may be elected to the National Council of the Slovak Republic may be elected chairman and deputy chairman of the Supreme Control Office.
  3. The same person may be elected chairman and deputy chairman of the Supreme Audit Office for a maximum of two consecutive seven-year terms.
  4. The office of a chairman and deputy chairman of the Supreme Audit Office is incompatible with an office in any other body of the public authority, employment, or similar labor relation, business activities, membership in a management or supervisory body of a legal person carrying out business activities, or with any other economic or for-profit activity, except for administration of own property, scientific, pedagogical, literary, or artistic activity.

Article 62

The Supreme Audit Office submits reports on the results of its audits to the National Council of the Slovak Republic at least once a year and whenever requested to do so by the National Council of the Slovak Republic.

Article 63

The status, powers, internal organizational structure and basic rules of the control activity of the Supreme Audit Office shall be laid down by law.

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