Schedule (B). Powers of States
The exclusive executive and legislative powers of a state shall be as follows:
- Adoption or amendment of the state constitution subject to conformity with the National Constitution;
- State Police, Prisons, Wildlife, Fire Brigade Services;
- Local Government;
- State information, publications and mass media;
- Social Welfare including state pensions;
- The state Civil Service;
- State Land and state Natural Resources;
- Cultural matters within the state;
- Regulation of religious matters;
- Internal and external borrowing of money on the sole credit of the state within the National macro-economic framework;
- The management, lease and utilization of lands belonging to the state;
- The establishment, maintenance and management of state prisons and reformatories;
- Establishment, regulation, and provision of health care, including hospitals and other health facilities;
- Regulation of businesses, trade licenses, working conditions, hours, and holidays within the state;
- Local works and undertakings;
- Registration of marriage, divorce, inheritance, birth, death, adoption and affiliations;
- Enforcement of National and state laws;
- The development, conservation and management of state natural resources and state forestry resources;
- Pre-school, primary and secondary education;
- Agriculture within the state;
- Airstrips other than international and national airports managed by the civil aviation authority;
- Intrastate public transport and roads;
- Population policy and family planning;
- Pollution control;
- State statistics, and state surveys;
- Charities and endowment;
- Quarrying;
- Town and rural planning;
- State cultural and heritage sites, libraries, museums and other historical sites;
- Traditional Authority and customary law;
- State finances;
- State irrigation and embankments;
- State budgets;
- State archives, antiquities and monuments;
- State taxes;
- State public utilities;
- Vehicle licensing;
- Fire control and ambulance services;
- Recreation and sport within the state;
- Flag and emblem of the state;
- Issuance of driving licenses and number plates; and
- Customary law courts.