
Suriname 1987 Constitution (reviewed 1992)

Table of Contents


Article 5

  1. The economic objectives of the Republic of Suriname shall aim at the construction of a national economy, free from foreign domination and in the interest of the Surinamese nation.
  2. The economic system within which the social-economic development takes place shall be characterized by joint, contemporaneous and equal functioning of state enterprises, private enterprises, enterprises in which the State and private persons participate in common and cooperative enterprises, according to rules of law applicable in that matter.
  3. It is the duty of the State to promote and to guarantee as much as possible all types of entrepreneurial production.


Article 6

The social objectives of the State shall aim at:

  1. The identification of the potentialities for development of the own natural environment and the enlarging of the capacities to ever more expand those potentialities;
  2. Guaranteeing the participation of the community in the political life among other ways through national, regional and sectoral participation;
  3. Guaranteeing a government policy aimed at raising the standard of living and of well-being of the society, based upon social justice, the integral and balanced development of State and society;
  4. An equitable distribution of the national income, directed towards a fair distribution of well-being and wealth over all strata of the population;
  5. Regional spreading of public utilities and economic activities;
  6. The improvement of codetermination by the employees in companies and production units in the taking of decisions about production, economic development and planning;
  7. Creating and improving the conditions necessary for the protection of nature and for the preservation of the ecological balance.


Article 7

  1. The Republic of Suriname recognizes and respects the right of nations to self- determination and national independence on the basis of equality, sovereignty and mutual benefit.
  2. The Republic of Suriname promotes the development of the international legal order and supports the peaceful settlement of international disputes.
  3. The Republic of Suriname rejects any armed aggression, any form of political and economic pressure, as well as every direct or indirect intervention in the domestic affairs of other States.
  4. The Republic of Suriname promotes the solidarity and collaboration with other peoples in the combat against colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, genocide and in the combat for national liberation, peace and social progress.
  5. The Republic of Suriname promotes the participation in international organizations with a view to establishing peaceful coexistence, peace and progress for mankind.