
Suriname 1987 Constitution (reviewed 1992)

Table of Contents


Article 45

The social order shall be based in principle on a society, wherein all Suriname citizens have equal rights and obligations.

Article 46

The State shall create the conditions, which underlie the education of citizens who are capable of participating in a democratic and effective manner in the development process of the nation.

Article 47

The State shall save and protect the cultural heritage of Suriname, shall promote its preservation and promote the use of science and technology in the context of the national development aims.

Article 48

  1. The State shall supervise the production and availability of and the trade in chemical, biological, pharmaceutical and other products, intended for consumption, medical treatment and diagnosis.
  2. The State shall supervise all medical, pharmaceutical and paramedical practioners and practices.
  3. The inspection of the products and functions mentioned in paragraphs (2) and (3) shall be regulated by law.

Article 49

A housing plan shall be determined by law, aimed at the procurement of a sufficient number of affordable houses and State control of the use of real estate for public housing.

Article 50

The policy in relation to social security for widows, orphans, the aged, invalids and incapacitated workers shall be indicated by law.

Article 51

The State shall take care to make the services of legal aid institutions accessible to those looking for justice.

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