
Sweden 1974 Constitution (reviewed 2012)

Table of Contents

The Riksdag Act

Chapter 1. Sessions

Part 1. Time of elections to the Riksdag

Article 1

Ordinary elections to the Riksdag are held in September. Rules concerning the timing of extraordinary elections are laid down in Chapter 3, Article 11, and Chapter 6, Article 5 of the Instrument of Government.

Part 2. Start of sessions

Article 2

The Riksdag convenes for a new session after an election on the fifteenth day after election day, but not before the fourth day after the election result has been declared, in accordance with the rules laid down in Chapter 3, Article 10 of the Instrument of Government.

In years in which no ordinary election is held, a new session starts on that date in September determined by the Riksdag at the preceding session in response to a proposal from the Riksdag Board.

If an extraordinary election has been announced prior to the date appointed, a new session starts in accordance with the provisions of paragraph two, provided the Riksdag convenes before the end of June as a result of the election. A Riksdag session continues until the start of the next session.

Article 3

A report from the Election Review Board concerning the examination of the election warrants of members and alternate members is presented at the first meeting of the Chamber in an electoral period. A roll-call of members is taken thereafter. The Chamber then proceeds to elect a Speaker and Deputy Speakers in accordance with Chapter 8, Article 1, and a Nominations Committee in accordance with Chapter 7, Article 2.

At other sessions of the Riksdag, a roll-call of members is taken at the first meeting of the Chamber.

Reports on the examination of warrants received during an electoral period are presented as soon as possible.

Supplementary provision 1.3.1

The first meeting of the Chamber in a session starts at 11 a.m.

The Secretariat of the Chamber shall notify members of the time of the first meeting.

Part 3. Opening of the Riksdag session

Article 4

The formal opening of a Riksdag session takes place at a special meeting of the Chamber held no later than the third day of the session. At this meeting, the Head of State declares the session open at the invitation of the Speaker. If the Head of State is unable to attend, the Speaker declares the session open.

At this meeting, the Prime Minister delivers a Government policy statement unless there are special grounds why he or she should refrain from so doing.

The Speaker determines procedure at this meeting after conferring with the Deputy Speakers.

Supplementary provision 1.4.1

The formal opening of the session after an election to the Riksdag takes place at 2 p.m. on the second day of the session, or otherwise on the first day of the session at the same time. The Speaker may appoint another time.

Part 4. Direction of the work of the Riksdag by the Speaker and the Riksdag Board

Article 5

The Speaker, or in his or her place one of the Deputy Speakers, directs the work of the Riksdag. The Riksdag Board deliberates on the organisation of the work of the Riksdag, directs the work of the Riksdag Administration and determines matters of major significance concerning the Riksdag’s international contacts programme.

The Riksdag Board consists of the Speaker as chair and ten other members whom the Riksdag appoints from among its members for the duration of the electoral period.

Each of the parliamentary party groups which corresponds to a party which obtained at least four per cent of the votes throughout the whole of the Realm at the preceding election to the Riksdag shall appoint a special representative to confer with the Speaker concerning the work of the Chamber, in accordance with the rules laid down in this Act.

Supplementary provision 1.5.1

The Riksdag Board convenes at a summons from the Speaker.

Supplementary provision 1.5.2

If the Speaker is unable to attend, one of the Deputy Speakers will take his or her place as chair of the meetings of the Riksdag Board.

The Riksdag appoints ten deputies for the elected members of the Riksdag Board. The place of an absent member is taken by a deputy belonging to the same party group. Each party group appoints a personal deputy for its special representative.

The Riksdag Board meets behind closed doors. If the Board wishes to obtain information from a person who is not a member of the Board, it may summon him or her to attend a meeting. The Deputy Speakers, those of the special representatives of the party groups who are not members of the Board, and the Secretary-General of the Riksdag may participate in the deliberations of the Board.

Part 5. Leave of absence from the duties of a member of the Riksdag

Article 6

A member of the Riksdag may be granted leave of absence from his or her duties after the member’s reasons have been examined. If a member has been granted leave of absence for at least one month, the member’s duties shall be carried out by an alternate for the duration of his or her absence.

An application for leave of absence is considered by the Speaker in the case of absence for a period of less than one month, and by the Riksdag in the case of a longer period. An application which is made during a break of more than one month in the work of the Chamber is however always considered by the Speaker.

Supplementary provision 1.6.1

An application for leave of absence from the duties of a member of the Riksdag shall include the reasons for the absence. The application shall relate to leave of absence for a specific period.

Part 6. Summons to an alternate to attend

Article 7

When an alternate member is to replace the Speaker or a member of the Riksdag who is a minister, in accordance with the rules laid down in Chapter 4, Article 13 of the Instrument of Government, or a member of the Riksdag, in accordance with the rules laid down in Article 6 above, the Speaker shall summon the alternate to take up his or her duties. In this connection, the Speaker shall follow the order of precedence between alternates determined in the law on elections to the Riksdag. The Speaker may however depart from this order where special grounds exist.

Supplementary provision 1.7.1

An alternate member who is to exercise a mandate as a member of the Riksdag shall receive a written warrant to this effect. The warrant shall indicate the member whom the alternate will replace and the dates of the beginning and end of the appointment. A separate warrant may be issued setting out the date on which the appointment shall terminate.

The Speaker shall notify the Chamber when an alternate replaces a member and when a member resumes his or her seat.

Article 8

If a member resigns his or her mandate, an alternate member who has been replacing that member shall continue to exercise the mandate until a new member has been appointed.

Part 7. The Chairmen’s Conference

Article 9

The Chairmen’s Conference deliberates on matters of common concern for the activities of the Chamber, the Riksdag committees and the Committee on European Union Affairs.

The Chairmen’s Conference consists of the Speaker, acting as chair, and the chairs of the Riksdag committees and the Committee on European Union Affairs

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