
Thailand 2007 Constitution

Table of Contents


Thailand has been under the rule of democratic government with the King as head of the state for more than 75 years, during which several constitutions were promulgated and amended. To ensure suitability with the situation in the country and change of time and by virtue of the provisions of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Interim Edition) of B.E. 2549 on the establishment of the Constitutional Drafting Assembly and Constitution Drafting Committee in charge of drafting a new Constitution to direct the guidance for the administration of the country in the future, and people have been allowed to extensively express their views and opinions about the new charter. Views and opinions of the people have been gathered for use in drafting of the new Constitution as prescribed by the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Interim Edition) of B.E. 2549.

The major objectives of the new draft Constitution are to further promote and protect people’s right and liberty, encourage people’s roles and participation in the administration of the country, concretely check and cross-examine the use of the state power; provide the mechanisms of political institution in both the legislative and administrative branches with well-balanced and effective under the democratic parliamentary form of administration; support honesty and impartial operations of courts and independent organizations; and above all, to emphasize the values and significance of morality, ethics and good governance as virtuous guidance for the country’s affairs.

After the completion of drafting of the new Constitution, the Constitution Drafting Assembly has presented the draft charter to the people and held a referendum, the first of its kind in the country, to allow them to vote whether to approve this whole constitution. The referendum result is that the majority of the eligible voters who have come to vote approved for the enactment of this newly draft constitution.

President of the National Legislative Assembly has graciously presented this draft constitution to the King for His signature for its enactment as the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand. With the King’s opinion, the royal permission has been granted in compliance to the approval of majority of the people.

By the Royal Command, this Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand is now enacted to replace the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Interim Edition) of B.E. 2549, dated October 1, B.E. 2549, as of this announcement day.

Be Thai people in harmony and unity in order to maintain this Constitution of Kingdom of Thailand as to its will to maintain the democratic regime for the happiness of all Thai people.


Section 1

Thailand is one and indivisible Kingdom.

Section 2

Thailand adopts a democratic regime of government with the King as Head of the State.

Section 3

The sovereign power belongs to the Thai people. The King as Head of the State shall exercise such power through the National Assembly, the Council of Ministers and the Courts in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.

Duty performed by the National Assembly, the Council of Ministers, the Courts, as well as the constitutional-mandated organizations and the state agencies shall in compliance to the legal justice principle.

Section 4

The human dignity, right, liberty and equality of the people shall be protected.

Section 5

The Thai people, irrespective of their origins, sexes or religions, shall enjoy equal protection under this Constitution.

Section 6

The Constitution is the supreme law of the State. The provisions of any law, rule or regulation, which are contrary to or inconsistent with this Constitution, shall be unenforceable.

Section 7

Whenever no provision under this Constitution is applicable to any case, it shall be decided in accordance with the constitutional practice in the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of the State.