
Thailand 2014 Constitution

Section 10

The King appoints, in accordance with the resolution of the National Legislative Assembly, a member of the National Legislative Assembly to be President of the National Legislative Assembly and not more than two members to be Vice-Presidents of the National Legislative Assembly.

The Head of the National Council for Peace and Order shall countersign the Royal Command appointing members, President and Vice-Presidents of the National Legislative Assembly.

Section 11

The members of the National Legislative Assembly shall be representatives of Thai people and shall devote themselves to the performance of duties in good faith for public benefit of Thai people.

Section 12

If a member of the National Legislative Assembly disgraces the dignity of members of the National Legislative Assembly or obstructs any member of the National Legislative Assembly in the performance of his duties, not less than twenty five members of the National Legislative Assembly may request the President of the National Legislative Assembly to remove that member from office.

The resolution of the National Legislative Assembly under paragraph one shall be made by the votes of not less than two-thirds of the total number of the members.

Section 13

At a meeting of the National Legislative Assembly, the presence of not less than one-half of the total number of the members shall constitute a quorum.

The National Legislative Assembly shall have the power to issue the rule on election and the performance of duties of the President, the Vice-Presidents and its Committee, meeting, introduction and deliberation of bills and Organic Law bills, submission of motions, discussion, making resolutions, interpellation, peace keeping and other related matters for the performance of its duties.

Section 14

The King has the power to enact an Act by and with the advice and consent of the National Legislative Assembly.

A bill may be introduced by not less than twenty five members of the National Legislative Assembly, the Council of Ministers or the National Reform Council under section 31 paragraph two. A money bill shall be introduced only by the Council of Ministers.

A money bill under paragraph two means a bill with the provisions dealing with the imposition, repeal, reduction, alteration, modification, remission or regulation of taxes or duties, or the allocation, receipt, custody or payment of State funds, or the transfer of expenditures estimates of the State, or the raising of, or guaranteeing or redemption of, loans or any binding of State’s properties, or currency.

In case of doubt as to whether any bill introduced to the National Legislative Assembly is a money bill, the President of the National Legislative Assembly shall have the power to make decision thereon.

If a bill introduced by members of the National Legislative Assembly or the National Reform Council, the Council of Ministers may, before the National Legislative Assembly adopts the principle of that bill, draw that bill for its consideration.

An enactment of the Organic Act shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this section, but an introduction thereof shall be made only by the Council of Ministers or the person having charge and control of the execution of such Organic Act.

Section 15

The Prime Minister shall present the bill or Organic Law bill approved by the National Legislative Assembly to the King for His signature within twenty days as from the date of receiving such bill from the National Legislative Assembly and the bill shall come into force as an Act or Organic Act upon its publication in the Government Gazette.

If the King refuses His assent to the bill or Organic Law bill either returns it to the National Legislative Assembly or does not return it within ninety days, the National Legislative Assembly must reconsider such bill. If the National Legislative Assembly resolves to reaffirm the bill by the votes of not less than two-thirds of the total number of existing members, the Prime Minister shall present such bill to the King for His signature once again. If the King does not sign and return the bill within thirty days, the prime Minister shall cause the bill to be promulgated as an Act or Organic Act in the Government Gazette as if the King had signed it.

Section 16

At a meeting of the National Legislative Assembly, every member shall have the rights to interpellate a Minister on any matter under his authority, but the Minister shall have the right to refuse a reply if he is of opinion that the matter should not be disclosed yet on the ground of safety or vital interest of the State or that interpellation is prohibited by the rule of the National Legislative Assembly. The quorum of the National Legislative Assembly in this case may be different from the quorum as prescribed by section 13 paragraph one if so prescribed by the rule on meeting.

If there is a matter which involves an important problem, not less than one-third of the total number of the members of the National Legislative Assembly may submit a motion for general debate with the Council of Ministers, but the vote of confidence or no-confidence shall not be made.

Section 17

In the case where there is an important problem in the administration of State affairs in regard which the Council of Ministers deems it advisable to take opinions from members of the National Legislative Assembly, the Prime Minister may give a notice to the President of the National Legislative Assembly requesting that a general debate be held at a sitting of the National Legislative Assembly. In this case, no resolution shall be passed by the National Legislative Assembly on the issue put in the debate.

Section 18

At a sitting of the National Legislative Assembly, words expressed in giving statements of fact or opinions, or the casting of votes by any member, are absolute privileged. No charge or action in any manner whatsoever shall be brought against such member.

The privilege under paragraph one extends to all Committees of the National Legislative Assembly, the printers and publishers of the minutes of the sitting upon the order of the National Legislative Assembly or its Committees, the persons permitted by the presiding member to give statements of fact or opinions at the sitting as well as the persons who broadcast the sitting through radio, television or other means with the permission of the President of the National Legislative Assembly. But this privilege does not extend to a member of the National Legislative Assemble who expresses words at a sitting which is broadcasted through radio, television or other means if such words appear out of the precinct of the National Legislative Assembly and constitute a criminal offence or a wrongful act against any other person who is not a Minister or a member of the National Legislative Assembly.

In the case where a member of the National Legislative Assembly is retained or detained, such member shall be released upon request of the President of the National Legislative Assembly. In the case where a criminal charge is brought against a member of the National Legislative Assembly, the Court shall try the case as usual unless the President of the National Legislative Assembly requests for the suspension of that trial.

Section 19

The King appoints the Prime Minister in accordance with the resolution of the National Legislative Assembly and not more than thirty-five other Ministers as recommended by the Prime Minister to constitute the Council of Ministers having the duties to carry out the administration of State affairs, to conduct reformation in all aspects and to strengthen unification and harmonization of Thai people.

Before taking office, a Minister must make a solemn declaration before the King in the following words: “I, (name of the declarer), do solemnly declare that I shall be loyal to the King and shall faithfully perform my duties in the interests of the country and of the people. I shall also uphold and observe the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand in every respect.”

The King has the prerogative to remove the Prime Minister from office in accordance with the recommendation of the President of the National Legislative Assembly made by the resolution of the National Legislative Assembly as introduced by the National Council for Peace and Order, and to remove the Minister in accordance with the recommendation of the Prime Minister.

The Royal Command appointing and removing the Prime Minster shall be countersigned by the President of the National Legislative Assembly.

The Prime Minister and Minister shall have the right to attend, and to give statements of fact or opinions to, the sitting of the National Legislative Assembly or the National Reform Council, but having no right to vote. In this case, the provisions on privilege under section 17 shall apply to the giving of statements of fact or opinions of the Prime Minister and Minister under this section mutatis mutandis.

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