
The Gambia 2020 Draft Constitution

Table of Contents


302. Amendment of this Constitution

  1. Subject to the provisions of this section, an Act of the National Assembly may amend this Constitution.
  2. This Constitution shall not be amended by an Act of the National Assembly or altered, whether directly or indirectly, unless–
    1. the sole purpose of the Act is to amend this Constitution;
    2. the amendment or alteration is carried out transparently and openly and the people have been–
      1. duly informed about the proposed amendment or alteration and the objects and reasons for the amendment or alteration; and
      2. given ample opportunity to express their opinions on the proposed amendment or alteration;
    3. the amendment or alteration is necessary and in the best interest of the people of The Gambia; and
    4. the Act is passed in accordance with this Chapter.
  3. An Act of the National Assembly shall not amend, add to, repeal or in any other way alter any provision of this Constitution unless the title of the Act clearly indicates that intention and the Act does so in express terms.
  4. Subject to sections 102 (3) and 140 (2) and (3), the National Assembly shall not have or exercise a power to amend the Constitution to extend the term of the President contrary to section 102 (2).

303. Amendment of entrenched provisions

  1. This section applies to the amendment of the following provisions of this Constitution, which are in this Constitution referred to as “entrenched provisions”–
    1. this Chapter;
    2. sections 1, 2, 3 and 126 (2) (which relate to the Republic, sovereignty of The Gambia and the territory of The Gambia);
    3. sections 7, 8 and 9 (which relate to the supremacy, defence and enforcement of the Constitution );
    4. sections 14, 15 and 19 (4) (which relate to citizenship);
    5. Chapter VI (which relates to the protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms);
    6. sections 75 (1) and (3), 81 and 84 except subsections (2) (g) and (6) thereof (which relate to elections, the Independent Boundaries and Electoral Commission and political parties);
    7. sections 87, 90, 93 (1) (a), 94 (1) (a), 95 (1) (b), 96 (5) (b), 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 110 (1), 119, and 120, (which relate to the Office of President and matters concerning the Executive generally);
    8. sections 126 (5), 131 (8) and (10) and 215 (2) (which relate to The Gambia’s international relations, the Director of Public Prosecutions, and the independence of independent institutions and offices );
    9. sections 136 (1), 139, 140, 144 and 153 (which relate to the National Assembly and the legislative power);
    10. sections 172, 173, 174 (1) and (2), 175 (1) and (2), Part III of Chapter X except sections 182 (2) and (7), 184 (3), 187 (3) and sections 190 except subsection (3) and 194 (which relate to the Judiciary);
    11. sections 204, 206 (3), 209 and 211 (which relate to Local Government);
    12. sections 240 (1) (3) (4) and (5) and 242 (which relate to taxation and withdrawal of money from public funds);
    13. sections 259, 260 (1) and 261 (which relate to independence of the Land, Environment and Natural Resources Commission and land ownership);
    14. section 266 (3) (which relates to the security of tenure of the Secretary General); and
    15. Schedule 4 (which relates to transitional provisions).
  2. A Bill for the amendment of an entrenched provision shall not be introduced into the National Assembly unless the Bill–
    1. before its first reading, is published in at least two issues of the Gazette, with the latest publication being not less than three months after the first;
    2. complies with the requirements of section 302 (2) and (3); and
    3. is presented and read the first time in the National Assembly, being not earlier than fourteen days after the end of the latest publication of the Bill in the Gazette.
  3. After the Bill has been read the first time in the National Assembly, it shall not be proceeded with further unless–
    1. the Bill is supported on the second and third readings by the votes of not less than two-thirds of all the members of the National Assembly;
    2. the Bill is submitted by the Speaker to the Independent Boundaries and Electoral Commission for a referendum to be held by the Commission within six months of the date of receipt of the Bill;
    3. at least fifty percent of the persons entitled to vote, voted at the referendum; and
    4. at least sixty percent of the persons who voted at the referendum cast their votes in favour of the passing of the Bill.
  4. If the Bill is approved at the referendum, the National Assembly shall, no later than fourteen days after the referendum, pass the Bill without any further amendment or other alteration.
  5. After a Bill has been passed by the National Assembly in accordance with this section, the President shall, within seven days of the receipt of the Bill, assent to it.

304. Amendment of non-entrenched provisions

  1. A Bill to amend a provision of this Constitution which is not an entrenched provision shall not be introduced into the National Assembly unless–
    1. it has been published twice in the Gazette, with the second publication being made at least three months after the first;
    2. it complies with the requirements of section 302 (2) and (3); and
    3. at least fourteen days have passed after the second publication.
  2. Where the National Assembly approves the Bill, it may only be presented to the President for his assent if it was approved at the second and third readings in the National Assembly by the votes of not less than two-thirds of all the members of the National Assembly.
  3. Subject to section 305, where the Bill has been passed in accordance with this section, the President shall assent to it.

305. Certificate of compliance with the Constitution

A Bill for the amendment or other alteration of this Constitution which has been passed in accordance with this Constitution, shall not be assented to by the President unless–

  1. it is accompanied by a certificate from the Speaker that the provisions of this Constitution have been complied with; and
  2. in the case of a Bill to amend an entrenched provision, it is accompanied by a certificate from the Independent Boundaries and Electoral Commission, signed by the Chairperson of the Commission and bearing the seal of the Commission, that the Bill was approved at a referendum in accordance with this Chapter.

306. Interpretation

In this Chapter, references to–

  1. this Constitution include references to any law that amends or replaces any of the provisions of this Constitution; and
  2. the alteration of this Constitution include references to the amendment, modification or re-enactment with or without amendment or modification, of the Constitution or of any provision for the time being contained in this Constitution, the suspension or repeal or the making of different provision in lieu thereof, and the addition of new provisions to this Constitution.
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