PART ONE. General Principles I. Form of the State ARTICLE 1 II. Characteristics of the Republic ARTICLE 2 III. Integrity, official language, flag, national anthem, and capital of the State ARTICLE 3 IV. Irrevocable provisions ARTICLE 4 V. Fundamental aims and duties of the State ARTICLE 5 VI. Sovereignty ARTICLE 6 VII. Legislative power ARTICLE 7 VIII. Executive power and function ARTICLE 8 IX. Judicial power ARTICLE 9 X. Equality before the law ARTICLE 10 XI. Supremacy and binding force of the Constitution ARTICLE 11 PART TWO. Fundamental Rights and Duties CHAPTER ONE. General Provisions I. Nature of fundamental rights and freedoms ARTICLE 12 II. Restriction of fundamental rights and freedoms ARTICLE 13 III. Prohibition of abuse of fundamental rights and freedoms ARTICLE 14 IV. Suspension of the exercise of fundamental rights and freedoms ARTICLE 15 V. Status of aliens ARTICLE 16 CHAPTER TWO. Rights and Duties of the Individual I. Personal inviolability, corporeal and spiritual existence of the individual ARTICLE 17 II. Prohibition of forced labour ARTICLE 18 III. Personal liberty and security ARTICLE 19 IV. Privacy and protection of private life A. Privacy of private life ARTICLE 20 B. Inviolability of the domicile ARTICLE 21 C. Freedom of communication ARTICLE 22 V. Freedom of residence and movement ARTICLE 23 VI. Freedom of religion and conscience ARTICLE 24 VII. Freedom of thought and opinion ARTICLE 25 VIII. Freedom of expression and dissemination of thought ARTICLE 26 IX. Freedom of science and the arts ARTICLE 27 X. Provisions relating to the press and publication A. Freedom of the press ARTICLE 28 B. Right to publish periodicals and non-periodicals ARTICLE 29 C. Protection of printing facilities ARTICLE 30 D. Right to use media other than the press owned by public corporations ARTICLE 31 E. Right of rectification and reply ARTICLE 32 XI. Rights and freedoms of assembly A. Freedom of association ARTICLE 33 B. Right to hold meetings and demonstration marches ARTICLE 34 XII. Right to property ARTICLE 35 XIII. Provisions on the protection of rights A. Freedom to claim rights ARTICLE 36 B. Principle of natural judge ARTICLE 37 C. Principles relating to offences and penalties ARTICLE 38 XIV. Right to prove an allegation ARTICLE 39 XV. Protection of fundamental rights and freedoms ARTICLE 40 CHAPTER THREE. Social and Economic Rights and Duties I. Protection of the family, and children’s rights ARTICLE 41 II. Right and duty of education ARTICLE 42 III. Public interest A. Utilization of the coasts ARTICLE 43 B. Land ownership ARTICLE 44 C. Protection of agriculture, animal husbandry, and persons engaged in these activities ARTICLE 45 D. Expropriation ARTICLE 46 E. Nationalization and privatization ARTICLE 47 IV. Freedom of work and contract ARTICLE 48 V. Provisions relating to labour A. Right and duty to work ARTICLE 49 B. Working conditions and right to rest and leisure ARTICLE 50 C. Right to organize unions ARTICLE 51 D. Activities of unions ARTICLE 52 VI. Collective labour agreement, right to strike, and lockout A. Rights of collective labour agreement and collective agreement ARTICLE 53 B. Right to strike, and lockout ARTICLE 54 VII. Provision of fair wage ARTICLE 55 VIII. Health, the environment and housing A. Health services and protection of the environment ARTICLE 56 B. Right to housing ARTICLE 57 IX. Youth and sports A. Protection of the youth ARTICLE 58 B. Development of sports and arbitration ARTICLE 59 X. Social security rights A. Right to social security ARTICLE 60 B. Persons requiring special protection in the field of social security ARTICLE 61 C. Turkish citizens working abroad ARTICLE 62 XI. Protection of historical, cultural and natural assets ARTICLE 63 XII. Protection of arts and artists ARTICLE 64 XIII. The extent of social and economic duties of the State ARTICLE 65 CHAPTER FOUR. Political Rights and Duties I. Turkish citizenship ARTICLE 66 II. Right to vote, to be elected and to engage in political activity ARTICLE 67 III. Provisions relating to political parties A. Forming parties, membership and withdrawal from membership in a party ARTICLE 68 B. Principles to be observed by political parties ARTICLE 69 IV. Right to enter public service A. Entry into public service ARTICLE 70 B. Declaration of assets ARTICLE 71 V. National service ARTICLE 72 VI. Duty to pay taxes ARTICLE 73 VII. Right of petition, right to information and appeal to the Ombudsperson ARTICLE 74 PART THREE. Fundamental Organs of the Republic CHAPTER ONE. Legislative Power I. The Grand National Assembly of Turkey A. Composition ARTICLE 75 B. Eligibility to be a deputy ARTICLE 76 C. Election term of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey ARTICLE 77 D. Deferment of elections and by-elections ARTICLE 78 E. General administration and supervision of elections ARTICLE 79 F. Provisions relating to membership 1. Representing the nation ARTICLE 80 2. Oath-taking ARTICLE 81 3. Activities incompatible with membership ARTICLE 82 4. Parliamentary immunity ARTICLE 83 5. Loss of membership ARTICLE 84 6. Application for annulment ARTICLE 85 7. Salaries and travel allowances ARTICLE 86 II. Duties and powers of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey A. General ARTICLE 87 B. Introduction and deliberation of bills ARTICLE 88 C. Promulgation of laws by the President of the Republic ARTICLE 89 D. Ratification of international treaties ARTICLE 90 E. Authorization to issue decrees having the force of law ARTICLE 91 F. Declaration of state of war and authorization to deploy the armed forces ARTICLE 92 III. Provisions relating to the activities of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey A. Convening and recess ARTICLE 93 B. Bureau of the Assembly ARTICLE 94 C. Rules of Procedure, political party groups and security affairs ARTICLE 95 D. Quorums and majority for decisions ARTICLE 96 E. Publicity and publication of debates ARTICLE 97 IV. Ways of obtaining information and supervision by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey A. General ARTICLE 98 B. Censure ARTICLE 99 C. Parliamentary investigation ARTICLE 100 CHAPTER TWO. The Executive Power I. President of the Republic A. Nomination and election ARTICLE 101 B. Election ARTICLE 102 C. Oath-taking ARTICLE 103 D. Duties and powers ARTICLE 104 E. Criminal liability of the President of the Republic ARTICLE 105 F. Vice-presidents of the Republic, acting president of the Republic and ministers ARTICLE 106 G. General Secretariat of the President of the Republic ARTICLE 107 H. State Supervisory Council ARTICLE 108 II. Council of Ministers A. Formation ARTICLE 109 B. Taking office and vote of confidence ARTICLE 110 C. Vote of confidence while in office ARTICLE 111 D. Functions and political responsibilities ARTICLE 112 E. The formation of ministries, and ministers ARTICLE 113 F. Provisional Council of Ministers during elections ARTICLE 114 G. Regulations ARTICLE 115 H. Renewal of elections to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and the President of the Republic ARTICLE 116 I. National defence 1. Offices of Commander-in-Chief and Chief of the General Staff ARTICLE 117 2. National Security Council ARTICLE 118 III. State of emergency administration ARTICLE 119 ARTICLE 120 ARTICLE 121 ARTICLE 122 IV. Administration A. Fundamentals of the administration 1. Integrity of the administration and public coporate bodies ARTICLE 123 2. By-laws ARTICLE 124 B. Judicial review ARTICLE 125 C. Establishment of the administration 1. Central administration ARTICLE 126 2. Local administrations ARTICLE 127 D. Provisions relating to public servants 1. General principles ARTICLE 128 2. Duties and responsibilities, and guarantees in disciplinary proceedings ARTICLE 129 E. Institutions of higher education and their higher bodies 1. Institutions of higher education ARTICLE 130 2. Superior bodies of higher education ARTICLE 131 3. Institutions of higher education subject to special provisions ARTICLE 132 F. Radio and Television Supreme Council, institutions of radio and television, and public affiliated news agencies ARTICLE 133 G. The Atatürk High Institution of Culture, Language and History ARTICLE 134 H. Professional organizations having the characteristics of public institutions ARTICLE 135 I. Presidency of Religious Affairs ARTICLE 136 J. Unlawful order ARTICLE 137 CHAPTER THREE. Judicial Power I. General provisions A. Independence of the courts ARTICLE 138 B. Security of tenure of judges and public prosecutors ARTICLE 139 C. Judges and public prosecutors ARTICLE 140 D. Publicity of hearings and the necessity of justification for verdicts ARTICLE 141 E. Formation of courts ARTICLE 142 F. State Security Courts ARTICLE 143 G. Supervision of judicial services ARTICLE 144 H. Military justice ARTICLE 145 II. Higher courts A. Constitutional Court 1. Formation ARTICLE 146 2. Term of office of the members and termination of membership ARTICLE 147 3. Functions and powers ARTICLE 148 4. Procedure of functioning and trial ARTICLE 149 5. Annulment action ARTICLE 150 6. Time limit for annulment action ARTICLE 151 7. Claim of unconstitutionality before other courts ARTICLE 152 8. Decisions of the Constitutional Court ARTICLE 153 B. Court of Cassation ARTICLE 154 C. Council of State ARTICLE 155 D. High Military Court of Appeals ARTICLE 156 E. High Military Administrative Court ARTICLE 157 F. Court of Jurisdictional Disputes ARTICLE 158 III. Council of Judges and Prosecutors ARTICLE 159 IV. Court of Accounts ARTICLE 160 PART FOUR. Financial and Economic Provisions CHAPTER ONE. Financial Provisions I. Budget A. Budget and final accounts ARTICLE 161 B. Debate on the budget ARTICLE 162 C. Principles governing budgetary amendments ARTICLE 163 D. Final accounts ARTICLE 164 E. Scrutiny of state economic enterprises ARTICLE 165 CHAPTER TWO. Economic Provisions I. Planning; Economic and Social Council ARTICLE 166 II. Supervision of markets and regulation of foreign trade ARTICLE 167 III. Exploration and exploitation of natural resources ARTICLE 168 IV. Forests and the forest villagers A. Protection and development of forests ARTICLE 169 B. Protection of forest villagers ARTICLE 170 V. Developing cooperativism ARTICLE 171 VI. Protection of consumers, tradespeople and artisans A. Protection of consumers ARTICLE 172 B. Protection of tradespeople and artisans ARTICLE 173 PART FIVE. Miscellaneous Provisions I. Preservation of Reform Laws ARTICLE 174 PART SIX. Provisional Articles PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 1 PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 2 PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 3 PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 4 PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 5 PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 6 PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 7 PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 8 PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 9 PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 10 PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 11 PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 12 PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 13 PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 14 PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 15 PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 16 PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 17 PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 18 PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 19 PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 21 PART SEVEN. Final Provisions I. Amending the Constitution, participation in elections and referenda ARTICLE 175 II. Preamble and headings of articles ARTICLE 176 III. Entry into force of the Constitution ARTICLE 177 PROVISIONAL ARTICLES NOT INCLUDED IN THE CONSTITUTION OF THE ACT NO 2709 DATED OCTOBER 18 1982 1. Provision of the Act No. 4121 dated July 23, 1995 Article 16 2. Provision of the Act No. 4446 dated August 13, 1999 Article 4 3. Provisional Article of Act No. 4709 dated October 3, 2001 PROVISIONAL ARTICLE Article 35 4. Provisional Article of Act No. 4777 dated December 27, 2002 PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 1 Article 3 5. Provisions of the Act No.6771, dated January 21, 2017 ARTICLE 18
PART FIVE. Miscellaneous Provisions
I. Preservation of Reform Laws
No provision of the Constitution shall be construed or interpreted as rendering unconstitutional the Reform Laws indicated below, which aim to raise Turkish society above the level of contemporary civilization and to safeguard the secular character of the Republic, and whose provisions were in force on the date of the adoption of the Constitution by referendum:
Act No. 430 of March 3, 1340 (1924) on the Unification of the Educational System,
Act No. 671 of November 25, 1341 (1925) on the Wearing of Hats,
Act No. 677 of November 30, 1341 (1925) on the Closure of Dervish Monasteries and Tombs, the Abolition of the Office of Keeper of Tombs and the Abolition and Prohibition of Certain Titles,
The principle of civil marriage according to which the marriage act shall be concluded in the presence of the competent official, adopted with the Turkish Civil Code No. 743 of February 17, 1926, and Article 110 of the Code,
Act No. 1288 of May 20, 1928 on the Adoption of International Numerals,
Act No. 1353 of November 1, 1928 on the Adoption and Application of the Turkish Alphabet,
Act No 2590 of November 26, 1934 on the Abolition of Titles and Appellations such as Efendi, Bey or Pasha,
Act No. 2596 of December 3, 1934 on the Prohibition of the Wearing of Certain Garments.
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