
United Arab Emirates 1971 Constitution (reviewed 2009)

Table of Contents


Article 25

All persons are equal in law. There shall be no distinction among the citizens of the UAE on the basis of race, nationality, faith or social status.

Article 26

Personal liberty is guaranteed to all citizens. A person may not be arrested, searched, detained or imprisoned except in accordance with the provisions of the law.

A person may not be subjected to torture or to degrading treatment.

Article 27

Crimes and punishments shall be defined by the law. A person may not be punished for an act or omission committed before the relevant law is promulgated.

Article 28

Penalty is personal. An accused is presumed innocent until proved guilty in a legal and fair trial.

An accused person has the right to appoint as his/her attorney at law anyone who is capable to defend him/her in trial.

The law specifies the cases where a counsel for defense must represent an accused person.

An accused person may not be physically or morally harmed.

Article 29

Freedom of movement and residence is guaranteed to the citizens as provided in law.

Article 30

Freedom of opinion and of expressing that opinion verbally, in writing, or by any other medium of expression is guaranteed as provided in law.

Article 31

Freedom of communication by post, telegraph and other means of communication and the secrecy thereof are guaranteed in accordance with the law.

Article 32

Freedom to exercise religious worship is guaranteed in accordance with the generally-accepted traditions provided that such freedom is consistent with the public policy or does not violate the public morals.

Article 33

Freedom of assembly and establishing associations is guaranteed as provided in law.

Article 34

A citizen is free to choose his work, profession or trade as provided in law and subject to the governing legislation.

A person may not be subjected to forced labor except in such cases as may be provided in law and provided that such person is compensated for such labor.

A person may not be enslaved.

Article 35

The door for holding a public office is open to all citizens on the basis of equal conditions and in accordance with the provisions of the law.

A public office is a national service entrusted to the person who holds that office. A public servant shall, while performing his/her duties, seek to achieve only the public interest.

Article 36

A man’s housing is inviolable. A person may not enter another person’s house without the permission of those living in that house except in such cases and conditions as may be provided in the law.

Article 37

A citizen may not be deported or exiled from the UAE.

Article 38

A citizen or a political refugee may not be extradited.

Article 39

Public confiscation of property is prohibited. A person’s private property may not be confiscated except by court judgment and in such cases as may be provided in law.

Article 40

Foreigners in the UAE enjoy the rights and freedoms stipulated in the applicable international instruments or in the treaties and conventions to which the UAE is a party and have to perform the duties which correspond to those rights and freedoms.

Article 41

A person has the right to file a complaint with a competent authority, including a judicial entity, against the violation of the rights and freedoms stated in this Part.

Article 42

A person has the duty to pay such taxes and public levies as may be provided in law.

Article 43

Defending the UAE is a sacred duty of every citizen and performing military service is an honor which is regulated by law.

Article 44

Respect of the Constitution and the laws and of the orders issued by the public authorities in execution thereof, compliance with the public order, and respect of public morality are duties incumbent upon all the people living in the UAE.

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