105. The Zanzibar Revolutionary Council and its functions
- There shall be a Zanzibar Revolutionary Council which shall consist of the following members:
- the Chairman of the Revolutionary Council;
- the Chief Minister of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar;
- all Ministers of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar; and
- other members to be appointed by the Chairman of the Revolutionary Council in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of Zanzibar, 1984.
- Without prejudice to the powers of the Chairman of the Revolutionary Council as Head of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, the Revolutionary Council shall be the principal organ for advising the Head of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar regarding all matters concerning the exercise of his functions of leadership and supervision over the affairs of the Executive for Zanzibar and also in the discharge of his functions over all affairs of Government concerning all matters which are not Union Matters in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and those of the Constitution of Zanzibar, 1984.
106. The House of Representatives of Zanzibar, and its legislative functions
- There shall be a House of Representatives of Zanzibar. The House of Representatives shall comprise two parts: one part shall consist of Members of the House elected or appointed in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of Zanzibar, 1984, and who shall be referred to as Representatives; the other part of the House of Representatives shall be the Head of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar in the exercise of his functions pursuant to the provisions of this Constitution and the provisions of the Constitution of Zanzibar, 1984.
- Whenever pursuant to the provisions of this Constitution, the provisions of the Constitution of Zanzibar, 1984, or the provisions of any law enacted and in force in Zanzibar, any matter requires to be decided or done by both parts of the House of Representatives, then that matter shall not be deemed to have been duly decided and done unless it is decided or done by the Members of the House of Representatives and also by the Head of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, in accordance with their respective authority in relation to that matter.
- All legislative authority in Zanzibar over all matters which are not Union Matters is hereby vested in the House of Representatives of Zanzibar.
107. Authority of House of Representatives
- The President of Zanzibar as one part of the House of Representatives of Zanzibar shall exercise the authority vested in him by this Constitution and also by the Constitution of Zanzibar, 1984 for that purpose.
- The Members of the House of Representatives as the second part of the House of Representatives shall be the principal organ for Tanzania Zanzibar which shall have authority on behalf of the people in Tanzania Zanzibar to oversee and advise the Revolutionary Govemment of Zanzibar and all its organs in the discharge of their respective responsibilities in accordance with this Constitution and the Constitution of Zanzibar, 1984.
- For purposes of discharging its functions, the House of Representatives may –
- put to any Minister of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar any question concerning public affairs in Tanzania Zanzibar which are within his responsibility;
- debate on the performance of each Ministry of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar during the annual budget session of the House of Representatives;
- deliberate upon and authorize any long or short term plan which is intended to be implemented in Tanzania Zanzibar and enact a law to regulate the implementation of that plan;
- enact legislation where implementation requires legislation; and
- prepare or direct preparation and submission to any political party a report concerning any matter that is under the authority of the Parliament.