6. Interpretation
In this Part of this Chapter, unless the context requires otherwise, “the Government” includes the Government of the United Republic, the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, local government authorities and any person who exercises power or authority on behalf of either Government.
7. Application of provisions of Part II
Notwithstanding the of provisions of subarticle (2), it shall be the duty and responsibility of the Government, all its organs and all persons or authorities exercising executive, legislative or judicial functions to take cognizance of, observe and apply the provisions of this Part of this Chapter.
The provisions of this Part of this Chapter are not enforceable by any court. No court shall be competent to determine the question whether or not any action or omission by any person or any court, or any law or judgment complies with the provisions of this Part of this Chapter.
8. The Government and the People
The United Republic of Tanzania is a state which adheres to the principles of democracy and social justice and accordingly—
sovereignty resides in the people and it is from the people that the Government through this Constitution shall derive all its power and authority;
the primary objective of the Government shall be the welfare of the people;
the Government shall be accountable to the people; and
the people shall participate in the affairs of their Government in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.
The structure of the Government of the United Republic and the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar or any of their organs, and the discharge of their functions shall be so effected as to take into account the unity of the United Republic and the need to promote national unity and preserve national dignity.
9. The pursuit of Ujamaa and Self-Reliance
The object of this Constitution is to facilitate the building of the United Republic as a nation of equal and free individuals enjoying freedom, justice, fraternity and concord, through the pursuit of the policy of Socialism and Self Reliance which emphasises the application of socialist principles while taking into account the conditions prevailing in the United Republic. Therefore, the state authority and all its agencies are obliged to direct their policies and programmes towards ensuring—
that human dignity and other human rights are respected and cherished;
that the laws of the land are upheld and enforced;
that public affairs are conducted in such a way as to ensure that the national resources and heritage are harnessed, preserved and applied for the common good and also to prevent the exploitation of one person by another;
that the national economy is planned and promoted in a balanced and integrated manner;
that every person who is able to work does work, and work means any legitimate activity by which a person earns a living;
that human dignity is preserved and upheld in accordance with the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
that the Government and all its agencies provide equal opportunities to all citizens, men and women alike without regard to their colour, tribe, religion, or station in life;
that all forms of injustice, intimidation, discrimination, corruption, oppression or favouritism are eradicated;
that the use of national resources places emphasis on the development of the people and in particular is geared towards the eradication of poverty, ignorance and disease;
that the economic activities are not conducted in a manner capable of resulting in the concentration of wealth or the major means of production in the hands of a few individuals;
that the country is governed according to the principles of democracy and socialism.
[Repealed by Act No. 4 of 1992].
11. Right to work, to educational and other pursuits
The state authority shall make appropriate provisions for the realisation of a person’s right to work, to self education and social welfare at times of old age, sickness or disability and in other cases of incapacity. Without prejudice to those rights, the state authority shall make provisions to ensure that every person earns his livelihood.
Every person has the right to self education, and every citizen shall be free to pursue education in a field of his choice up to the highest level according to his merits and ability.
The Government shall endeavour to ensure that there are equal and adequate opportunities to all persons to enable them to acquire education and vocational training at all levels of schools and other institutions of learning.
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