
Afghanistan 1964 Constitution

Table of Contents

Title X. Amendment

Article 120

Adherence to the basic principles of Islam, Constitutional Monarch in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution, and the values embodied in Article 8 shall not be subject to amendment.

Amendments to other provisions of the Constitution may be initiated by the Council of Ministers or one-third of the members of the Wolesi Jirgah (House of the People) or the Meshrano Jirgah (House of the Elders), in accordance with the provisions of this Title.

Article 121

The proposal for amendment is discussed by the Loya Jirgah (Great Council), and in case a majority of the members approves its necessity, a committee from amongst its members shall be appointed to formulate the amendment. The committee shall formulate the amendment with the advice of the Council of Ministers and the Supreme Court, for submission to the Loya Jirgah (Great Council). In case the Loya Jirgah (Great Council) approves the draft amendment with a majority vote of its members, it is submitted to the King. The King shall dissolve the Shura (Parliament), circulate the draft amendment to the public within four months from the dissolution of the Shura (Parliament).

Article 122

Following the opening of the Shura (Parliament) and the formation of the Government the King summons the Loya Jirgah (Great Council), which, after consideration, approves or rejects the text of the draft amendment. The decision of the Loya Jirgah (Great Council) in this respect shall be by a two-thirds majority vote of its members and shall be enforced after it has been signed by the King.

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