
Jordan 1952 Constitution (reviewed 2016)

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 10. Enforcement of Laws and Repeals

Article 128


The laws issued in accordance with this Constitution for the regulation of rights and freedoms may not influence the essence of such rights or affect their fundamentals.

  1. All laws, regulations and other legislative acts in force in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan when this Constitution comes into force shall remain in force until they are repealed or amended by a legislation issued thereunder within a maximum period of three years.

Article 129


The Jordanian Constitution issued on 7 December 1946 together with the amendments thereto are hereby repealed.

  1. The Palestine Order-in-Council for the year 1922 and the amendments thereto are hereby repealed.
  2. The repeal provided for in the preceding two Paragraphs shall not affect the validity of any law or regulation issued thereunder or any act done by virtue thereof prior to the coming into force of the provisions of this Constitution.

Article 130.

The provisions of this Constitution shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

Article 131

The Council of Ministers shall be charged with the execution of the provisions of this Constitution

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