
Nauru 1968 Constitution (reviewed 2015)

Table of Contents


71. Members of Nauruan community to be Nauruan citizens.

A person who on the thirtieth day of January One thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight was included in one of the classes of persons who constituted the Nauruan Community within the meaning of the Nauruan Community Ordinance 1956-1966 of Nauru is a Nauruan citizen.

72. Persons born on or after 31 January 1968.

  1. A person born on or after the thirty-first day of January One thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight is a Nauruan citizen if his parents were Nauruan citizens at the date of his birth.
  2. A person born on or after the thirty-first day of January One thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight is a Nauruan citizen if he is born of a marriage between a Nauruan citizen and a Pacific Islander and neither parent has within seven days after the birth of that person exercised a right prescribed by law in the manner prescribed by law to determine that that person is not a Nauruan citizen.

73. Persons born in Nauru on or after 31 January 1968.

A person born in Nauru on or after the thirty-first day of January One thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight, if at the date of his birth he would not have the nationality of any country, an application may be made to Cabinet for citizenship. It shall be the prerogative of Cabinet as to whether citizenship is granted or not.

74. Women married to Nauruan citizens.

A woman, not being a Nauruan citizen, who is married to a Nauruan citizen or has been married to a man who was, throughout the subsistence of the marriage, a Nauruan citizen, is entitled, upon making application in such manner as is prescribed by law, to become a Nauruan citizen.

75. Powers of Parliament regarding citizenship.

  1. Parliament may make provision for the acquisition of Nauruan citizenship by persons who are not otherwise eligible to become Nauruan citizens under the provisions of this Part.
  2. Parliament may make provision for depriving a person of his Nauruan citizenship being a person who has acquired the nationality of another country otherwise than by marriage.
  3. Parliament may make provision for depriving a person of his Nauruan citizenship being a person who is a Nauruan citizen otherwise than by reason of Article 71 or Article 72.
  4. Parliament may make provision for the renunciation by a person of his Nauruan citizenship.

76. Interpretation.

  1. In this Part, “Pacific Islander” has, except as otherwise prescribed by law, the same meaning as in the Nauruan Community Ordinance 1956-1966 of Nauru.
  2. A reference in this Part to the citizenship of the parent of a person at the date of that person’s birth shall, in relation to a person one of whose parents died before the birth of that person, be construed as a reference to the citizenship of the parent at the time of the parent’s death.