
Central African Republic 2004 Constitution (reviewed 2010)


The Central African People

Proud of their national unity, linguistic [unity] and of their ethnic, cultural and religious diversity which contribute to the enrichment of their personality,

Convinced of the urgent necessity to preserve national unity and peace, guarantees of economic and social progress,

Conscious that only the persistent work as well as the rigorous and transparent management of public affairs [chose] and of the environment can assure a harmonious, rational and durable development,

Resolved to build a State of Law founded on a pluralistic democracy, guaranteeing the security of persons and of property, the protection of the most weak, notably vulnerable persons, the minorities, and the full exercise of the fundamental freedoms and rights,

Animated by the desire to assure to Man his dignity within respect for the principle of “Zo Kwe Zo” declared by the Founding Father of the Central African Republic, Barthelemy Boganda,

Conscious that tolerance and dialogue constitute the foundation [socle] of peace and of national unity,

Convinced that universal suffrage is the sole source of the legitimacy of public power,

Firmly opposed to the conquest of power by force and by any form of dictatorship and oppression, as well as any act of division and maintenance of hatred,

Convinced that it is essential that the Rights of Man will be protected by a regime of law,

Convinced of the necessity for political, economic and social African integration at the subregional and regional levels,

Desirous to forge ties of amity with all peoples on the basis of the principles of equality, of solidarity, of reciprocal interests and of mutual respect of national sovereignty as well as of territorial integrity,

Reiterating their will to cooperate in peace and amity with all States, to work for the African Union in accordance with the Constitutive Act adopted on 12 July 2000, to promote the peaceful regulation of differences between States with respect for Justice, for Equality, for Freedom and for the Sovereignty of Peoples,

Reaffirms their adherence to the Charter of the Organization of the United Nations, to the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man of 10 December 1948, to the International Pacts of 16 December 1966 concerning economic, social and cultural right on the one hand and civil and political rights on the other,

Reaffirms its commitment to the African Charter of the Rights of Man and of Peoples of 27 June 1981,

Reaffirms its adherence to all International Conventions duly ratified, notably those concerning the prohibition of all forms of discrimination with regard to women as well as those concerning the protection of the rights of the child.

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