
Nepal 2006 Constitution (reviewed 2012)



Respecting the people’s mandate expressed in favour of democracy, peace and progression through historical struggles and people’s movements launched by the people of Nepal at various times since before 2007 (1951) to till the date;

Pledging to accomplish the progressive restructuring of the State in order to solve the problems existing in the country relating to class, ethnicity, region and gender;

Expressing our full commitment to democratic values and norms including the competitive multi-party democratic system of governance, civil liberties, fundamental rights, human rights, adult franchise, periodic elections, complete freedom of the press, independent judiciary and concepts of the rule of law;

Guarantee the basic rights of the people of Nepal to make a constitution for them on their own and to take part in a free and fair election to the Constituent Assembly in an environment without fear;

Putting democracy, peace, prosperity, progressive socio-economic transformation and sovereignty, integrity independence and prestige of the country in the center;

Declaring Nepal as a federal, democratic republican state upon duly abolishing the monarchy;

HEREBY DECLARE, with a view to institutionalizing the achievements made through the revolutions and movements till now, the promulgation of this Interim Constitution of Nepal 2063 (2007), which has been made through a political understanding and to be in force until a new constitution is framed by the Constituent Assembly.

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