
Bhutan 2008 Constitution

Article 11. The National Council

  1. The National Council shall consist of twenty-five members comprising:
    1. One member elected by the voters in each of the twenty Dzongkhags; and
    2. Five eminent persons nominated by the Druk Gyalpo.
  2. Besides its legislative functions, the National Council shall act as the House of review on matters affecting the security and sovereignty of the country and the interests of the nation and the people that need to be brought to the notice of the Druk Gyalpo, the Prime Minister and the National Assembly.
  3. A candidate to or a member of the National Council shall not belong to any political party.
  4. At the first sitting after any National Council election, or when necessary to fill a vacancy, the National Council shall elect a Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson from among its members.
  5. The Druk Gyalpo shall, by warrant under His hand and seal, confer Dakyen to the Chairperson.
  6. The National Council shall assemble at least twice a year.

Article 12. The National Assembly

  1. The National Assembly shall have a maximum of fifty-five members, elected from each Dzongkhag in proportion to its population, provided that no Dzongkhag shall have less than two members or more than seven members, for which purpose Parliament shall, by law, provide for each Dzongkhag to be divided into constituencies through appropriate delimitation, and for the voters in each constituency directly electing one member to the National Assembly.
  2. The number of elected members from each Dzongkhag shall be reapportioned to reflect the changing registered voter population after every ten years, subject to the limitation of a minimum of two and a maximum of seven members from each Dzongkhag.
  3. At the first sitting after any general election, or when necessary to fill a vacancy, the National Assembly shall elect a Speaker and a Deputy Speaker from among its members.
  4. The Druk Gyalpo shall, by warrant under His hand and seal, confer Dakyen to the Speaker.
  5. The National Assembly shall assemble at least twice a year.
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