
Chad 1996 Constitution (reviewed 2015)

Table of Contents

Title I. Of the State and of Sovereignty

Article 1

Chad is a sovereign Republic, independent, secular, social, one and indivisible, founded on the principles of democracy, the rule of law and of justice. It has affirmed the separation of the religions and of the State.

Article 2

Covering an area of one million two hundred eighty-four thousand (1 284 000) km2, the Republic of Chad is organized in decentralized territorial collectivities of which the autonomy is guaranteed by this Constitution.

Article 3

Sovereignty belongs to the people who exercise it either directly by referendum, or indirectly by the intermediary of their elected representatives.

No community, no corporation, no political party or association, no trade union organization, no individual or group of individuals may arrogate its exercise.

The conditions of recourse to the referendum are determined by this Constitution and by an organic law.

Article 4

The political parties and groups concur in the exercise of suffrage. They form themselves freely and exercise their activities within the conditions provided for by the law and within respect for the principles of national sovereignty, of territorial integrity, of national unity and of pluralist democracy.

Article 5

Any propaganda of ethnic, tribal, regional or religious character tending to infringe the national unity or the secularity of the State is prohibited.

Article 6

Suffrage is universal, direct or indirect, equal and secret.

All Chadians of both sexes, aged eighteen years of age and enjoying their civil and political rights[,] are electors within the conditions established by the law.

Article 7

The principle of the exercise of power is the Government of the people by the people and for the people, founded on the separation of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial powers.

Article 8

The national emblem is the tricolor flag, blue, gold, red in vertical bands and of dimensions equal, the blue being next to the pole.

The motto of the Republic of Chad is Unité -Travail -Progrès [Unity-Work-Progress]

The National Anthem is La Tchadienne.

The capital of the Republic of Chad is N’Djaména.

Article 9

The official languages are French and Arabic.

The law establishes the conditions of promotion and of development of the national languages.

Article 10

The seals and the arms of the Republic of Chad are determined by the law.

Article 11

The conditions of acquisition and of loss of Chadian nationality are established by the law.