
Plurinational State of Bolivia 2009 Constitution

Table of Contents


CHAPTER I. Pluri-National Electoral Organ

Article 205

  1. The Pluri-National Electoral Organ (Organo Electoral) shall be composed of:
    1. The Supreme Electoral Court.
    2. The Departmental Electoral Courts.
    3. The Electoral Judges.
    4. The Juries of the polling places.
    5. The Electoral Notaries.
  2. The jurisdiction, competency and powers of the Electoral Organ and its different levels are defined in this Constitution and the law.

Article 206

  1. The Supreme Electoral Court is the highest level of the Electoral Organ, and has national jurisdiction.
  2. The Supreme Electoral Court is composed of seven members, who shall remain in office for six years without the possibility of re-election, and at least two of them shall be of rural native indigenous origin.
  3. The Pluri-National Legislative Assembly shall elect six of the members of the Pluri-National Electoral Organ, by two-thirds of the votes of the members present. The President of the State shall designate one of its members.
  4. The election of the members of the Pluri-National Electoral Organ requires the prior public announcement, and the determination of the capacity and merits by public selection process.
  5. The Departmental Legislative Assemblies or the Departmental Councils shall select, by two thirds votes of their members present, a list of candidates for each one of the voting members of the Departmental Electoral Courts. The Chamber of Deputies (Camara de Diputados) shall, by two third votes of the members present, elect from the lists the members of the Departmental Electoral Courts, guaranteeing that at least one of its members belong to the nations and rural native indigenous peoples of the Department.

Article 207

To be designated a Voting member of the Supreme Electoral Court and the Departmental Electoral Court, once must satisfy the general requirements for being a public servant, to be thirty years of age at the time of his or her designation and to have academic education.

Article 208

  1. The Supreme Electoral Court is responsible for organizing, administering and carrying out the electoral processes, and for proclaiming the results.
  2. The Court shall guarantee that the voting is carried out effectively, pursuant to that set forth in Article 26 of this Constitution.
  3. It is the function of the Supreme Electoral Court to organize and administer the Civil Registry and the Electoral Roll.

CHAPTER II. Political Representation

Article 209

The candidates for public elected posts, with the exception of the elected positions of the Judicial Organ and the Pluri-National Constitutional Court (Tribunal Constitucional Plurinacional), shall be proposed by the organizations of the nations and rural native indigenous peoples, citizen associations and political parties, in equal conditions and pursuant to the law.

Article 210

  1. The organization and functioning of the organizations of the nations, rural native indigenous peoples, and citizen associations and political parties must be democratic.
  2. The internal election of the leaders and the candidates of the citizen associations, and of the political parties, shall be regulated and supervised by the Pluri-National Electoral Organ, which shall guarantee the equal participation of men and women.
  3. The nations and rural native indigenous peoples may elect their candidates according to their own democratic communitarian norms.

Article 211

  1. The nations and rural native indigenous peoples may elect their political representatives whenever required, in accordance with their own forms of election.
  2. The Electoral Organ shall assure that the norms of those peoples and nations will be complied with strictly in the elections of authorities, representatives and candidates of the nations and rural native indigenous peoples, using their own norms and procedures.

Article 212

No candidate may be proposed for more than one elective post or for more than one electoral district at the same time.

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