
Chile 1925 Constitution

Table of Contents

CHAPTER X. Reform of the Constitution

Article 108

The reform of constitutional provisions will be submitted to the same procedure as a proposal of law, saving the exceptions hereinafter indicated.

The proposal of reform will need to be approved in each Chamber, the vote conforming to the majority of the Deputies or Senators then in office.

The two Chambers united in public session with the attendance of a majority of their total membership, sixty days after the approval of a proposal in the form indicated in the preceding paragraph, will take the proposal into consideration and proceed to vote thereon without further debate.

The proposal as approved by the Joint Congress will pass to the President of the Republic.

If on the day appointed a majority of the total membership does not meet together, the session shall be held on the following day with the Deputies and Senators who may attend.

Article 109

The proposal can be examined by the President of the Republic only to suggest modifications or corrections in the reforms agreed on by the Joint Congress.

If the modifications that the President of the Republic may suggest are approved by both Chambers the proposal will be returned to the President for promulgation.

If the two Chambers reject all or any of the suggestions of the President of the Republic and insist, by two-thirds of the membership present, on the whole or part of the proposal approved by them, it will be returned to the President for promulgation; or, in order that, if he deems it advisable, he may consult the nation within the period of thirty days on the points in disagreement by means of a plebiscite. The proposal approved by the plebiscite will be promulgated as a constitutional reform.

Article 110

When the proposal is promulgated, its provisions shall form a part of the Constitution and be incorporated therein.