
Comoros 2018 Constitution


The Comorian people solemnly affirm their will to:

  • cultivate a national identity based on a sole people, a sole religion (Sunni Islam) and a sole language;
    promote religious and moral practices of a nature to assure an education which strengthens the national conscience;

    develop sport and culture as elements of promotion of the national spirit;

    guarantee the pursuit of a common destiny among all Comorians;

    make of the return of the island of Mayotte in its natural whole, a national priority;

    demonstrate their commitment to the principles of fundamental rights as they are defined by the Charter of the United Nations, the Organization of African Unity, the Pact of the League of the Arab States, the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man of the United Nations, the African Charter on the Rights of Man and of Peoples, as well as the international conventions, notably those concerning the rights of the child and of the woman.

It equally affirms:

  • its determination to establish a State of law founded on the principle of popular sovereignty and of democracy, instituting a range of rights, duties, freedoms and guarantees for all citizens; a system of government founded on the separation of powers; and a public administration in the service of citizens and of development;
    its commitment to promote and reinforce the ways and means which aim to prevent, fight and eradicate corruption, the embezzlement of public assets and funds, which hinder efforts tending to promote democratic governance, socio-economic transformation, peace and security.

It demands that the authorities criminally prosecute or have prosecuted the perpetrators of the above-mentioned acts.

It expresses its fundamental opposition to arbitrary actions, regionalism, separatism and to any other act infringing on the territorial integrity and the national unity.

Taking into account the principal recommendations formulated by the assembly of the Assises Nationales [National Assizes/Conference] of February 2018, this Constitution aims to establish an institutional framework permitting the advent of an era of democratic, social, economic and cultural renewal, in a climate of peace and justice.

This preamble is an integral part of the Constitution.

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