
Saint Kitts and Nevis 1983 Constitution

Table of Contents


PART 1. Oath (or affirmation) of allegiance

I, _______________________, do swear (or solemnly affirm) that I will faithfully bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors, according to law.

So help me God. (To be omitted in affirmation).

PART 2. Oath (or affirmation) of office

I, _______________________, do swear (or solemnly affirm) that I will honor, uphold and preserve the Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, and the law, that I will consciously, impartially, and to the best of my ability discharge my duties as _______________________ and do right to all manner of people without fear or favour, affection or ill will.

So help me God. (To be omitted in affirmation).

PART 3. Oath (or affirmation) of secrecy

I, _______________________, do swear (or solemnly affirm) that I will not on any account, at any time whatsoever, disclose any council, advise, opinion or vote given by any Minister as a member of the Cabinet and that I will not, except with the authority of the Cabinet and to such extent as may be required for the proper conduct of the Government of Saint Christopher and Nevis, directly or indirectly reveal the business or proceedings of the Cabinet or any matter coming to my knowledge as a member (or Secretary to) the Cabinet.

So help me God. (To be omitted in affirmation).


PART 1. Matters with respect to which the Nevis Island Legislature has exclusive power to make laws

  1. Agriculture
  2. Amenities for tourists.
  3. Animals
  4. Archaeological or historical sites and monuments.
  5. Borrowings of money, or obtaining grants of money, for the purposes of the Nevis Island Administration and the making of grants and loans for those purposes.
  6. Cemeteries.
  7. Cinemas.
  8. Conservation and supply of water.
  9. Dangerous or inflammable substances.
  10. Economic planning and development other than national planning and development.
  11. Employment of persons who are not citizens.
  12. Hotels, restaurants, bars, casinos and other similar establishments.
  13. Housing.
  14. Industries, trades and businesses.
  15. Land and buildings other than land and buildings vested in the Crown and specifically appropriated to the use of the Government, including holding of land by persons who are not citizens.
  16. Manufacture and supply of electricity.
  17. Parks and other places for public recreation.
  18. Prevention and control of fires.
  19. Roads and highways.
  20. Sport and cultural activities.
  21. The matters with respect to which the Nevis Island Legislature is empowered to make laws by sections 47, 70, 71, 72 and 73, as applied with modifications by section 104, and by sections 102(l) and 113.
  22. Any matter added by Parliament under section 37(6).
  23. Any matter that is incidental or supplementary to any matter referred to in this list.

PART 2. Interpretation

  1. In this schedule references to incidental and supplementary matters include, without prejudice to their generality-
    1. offences;
    2. the jurisdiction, powers, practice and procedure of courts of law;
    3. he compulsory acquisition and tenure of land;
    4. the establishment and regulation of tribunals of enquiry;
    5. fees and charges in respect of services provided;
    6. rates and taxes on buildings and land other than buildings and land vested in the Crown and specifically appropriated for the use of the Government;
    7. fees and charges in respect of administrative costs relating to carrying out inspections, tests and examinations and the issue of licenses, permits and certificates;
    8. taxes in respect of the use of premises as hotels, restaurants, bars, casinos or other similar establishments;
    9. taxes in respect of the use of premises for the manufacture of aerated water for use as a beverage;
    10. taxes in respect of the use of premises for the sale of alcoholic beverages or tobacco to the public; and
    11. taxes on itinerant traders or mobile establishments for the sale of refreshments to the public.
  2. Nothing in this schedule shall be construed as including the imposition of any fee, charge, rate or tax that is not expressly mentioned in paragraph (1) nor the imposition of any rate or tax levied:
    1. on rents, profits or other income or on gains on capital transactions;
    2. on the import into, or export out of, Saint Christopher and Nevis or the island of Nevis of any article or commodity;
    3. on succession to or transfer of property; or
    4. on land or other property used for the purposes of the extraction or processing of minerals otherwise than by reference to its unimproved value.
  3. Nothing in this schedule shall be construed as including legal proceedings by or against the Crown other than the conduct of proceedings under section 112 (which relates to disputes between the Nevis Island Administration and the Government).
  4. The reference in this schedule to roads and highways does not include a reference to offences relating to vehicular traffic.
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