
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 1991 Constitution (reviewed 2015)

Table of Contents

Chapter VI. The President of the State

Article 65 (Amended)

The President of the State is the Head of State of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and the representative of the multi-ethnic Lao people both within the country and abroad, is the Chairman of the Council for National Defence and Security, and the head of the people’s armed forces ensuring the independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, stable and sustainability of the nation.

Article 66 (Amended)

The President of the State is elected by the National Assembly with more than two-thirds of the votes of all members of the National Assembly attending the session.

The term of office of the President of the State is the same as the term of office of the National Assembly.

The President cannot hold the position for more than 2 consecutive terms.

The President has a Presidential Office.

Article 67 (Amended)

The President of the State has the following rights and duties:

  1. To promulgate the Constitution and laws;
  2. To issue presidential edicts and decrees;
  3. To convene and preside at the government’s special meetings, attend the National Assembly Committee Standing meeting if it deems it necessary;
  4. To appoint, transfer or remove the deputy Prime Minister and members of the government after approval by the National Assembly;
  5. To appoint or remove the Vice-President of the People’s Supreme Court, the Deputy Supreme Public Prosecutor, deputy head of State Audit organization based on the recommendation of the President or the head of such organization;
  6. To decide on promotions or demotions at the rank of general in the national defence and security forces based on the recommendation of the Prime Minister;
  7. To appoint, transfer or remove the Head of Presidential Office which has the position equivalent to minister;
  8. To appoint ambassadors and plenipotentiary representatives of the Lao PDR or to recall them from foreign countries based on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, and to accept the plenipotentiary representatives of foreign countries accredited to the Lao PDR;
  9. To announce the appointment of the National Election Committee, election date, number of applicants, number of members of National Assembly and members of Provincial People’s Assemblies in each constituency based on the recommendation of the National Assembly Standing Committee;
  10. To declare matters of war or peace based on the recommendation of the National Assembly, decide on general or partial military conscription and to declare states of emergency all over the country or in any particular locality;
  11. To hand over or decide on conferring national gold medals, orders of merit, medals of victory and the highest honorific titles of the State, and other forms of praise based on the recommendation of the Prime Minister;
  12. To decide on granting amnesty based on the recommendation of the government, and announce amnesties after approval by the National Assembly;
  13. To decide on granting foreigners political refugee status; [and]
  14. To negotiate or sign treaties [and] international agreements on behalf of the State; [and to] issue the ratification of or withdrawal from treaties and agreements signed with foreign countries.

Article 68 (Amended)

The President of the State may have a Vice-President as elected by the National Assembly with the votes of more than two-thirds of the number of National Assembly members attending the session.

The Vice-President of the State executes all tasks assigned by the President and acts on behalf of the President if the latter is occupied on other matters.

In case the President cannot perform his/her duty, the Vice-President will perform the duty until the National Assembly elects a new President.

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