
United Arab Emirates 1971 Constitution (reviewed 2009)

Table of Contents


Article 137

Every attack upon any member Emirates of the UAE shall be considered an attack upon all the Emirates and upon the existence of the UAE itself, which all federal and local forces will co-operate to repel by all means possible.

Article 138

The UAE shall have army, navy and air forces with unified training and command. The Commander in Chief of these forces and the Chief of the General Staff shall be appointed and dismissed by means of a federal decree.

The UAE may have Federal Security Forces.

The Federal Council of Ministers shall be responsible directly to the President of the UAE and the Federal Supreme Council for the affairs of all these forces.

Article 139

The law shall regulate military service, general or partial mobilization, the rights and duties of members of the Armed Forces, their disciplinary procedures and similarly the special regulations of the Federal Security Forces.

Article 140

The declaration of defensive war shall be declared by a federal decree issued by the President of the UAE after its approval by the Supreme Council. Offensive war shall be prohibited in accordance with the provisions of international charters.

Article 141

A Supreme Defense Council shall be set up under the chairmanship of the President of the UAE. Among its members shall be the Vice President of the UAE, the Prime Minister of the UAE, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Defense, Finance, Interior, the Commander in Chief and the Chief of the General Staff. It shall advise and offer views on all matters pertaining to defense maintenance of the peace and security of the UAE, forming of the armed forces, their equipment and development and the determination of their posts and camps.

The Council may invite any military adviser or expert or other persons it wishes to attend its meetings but they shall have no decisive say in its deliberations. All matters pertaining to this Council shall be regulated by means of a law.

Article 142

The state alone has the right to establish armed land, naval, and air forces.

Article 143

Any Emirate shall have the right to request the assistance of the Federal Armed Forces or the Security Forces in order to maintain security and order within its territories whenever it is exposed to danger. Such a request shall be submitted immediately to the Federal Supreme Council for decision.

The President of the UAE and the Federal Council of Ministers collectively, may, if the Supreme Council is not in session, take any immediate measure which cannot be delayed and considered necessary and may call the Supreme Council into immediate session.

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