
Tonga 1875 Constitution (reviewed 2013)

Schedule. Procedure for Appointing a Prime Minister (clause 50A)

  1. The Legislative Assembly shall recommend the appointment of a Prime Minister as follows-
    1. within 10 days from the return of the writs of election after a general election has taken place, the Interim Speaker appointed under subsection (8) of this Schedule shall invite all elected representatives to submit to him their nominations for Prime Minister Designate, to be duly seconded by 2 other elected representatives and to be received by the Interim Speaker within 14 days from the return of the writs of election; and no representative who has proposed or seconded a candidate may propose or second any other;
    2. within 3 days after the last date for receipt of nominations for Prime Minister Designate, the Interim Speaker shall convene a meeting of all the elected representatives of the people and of the nobles for the purpose of deciding who they shall recommend for appointment as Prime Minister Designate:Provided that the failure of any representative to attend any meeting, for whatever reason, shall not affect the validity of proceedings under this section;
    3. the representatives so convened shall consider who they want to recommend for appointment as Prime Minister Designate, and at that meeting every representative present will have the right to speak on his own behalf or that of another candidate, and they shall vote thereon by secret ballot and if one candidate receives more than half of the votes, the Interim Speaker shall report to the King that the duly elected representatives recommend the appointment of that person as Prime Minister Designate;
    4. if no single candidate is elected under paragraph (c) then the Interim Speaker shall 2 days after that meeting convene another meeting at which the candidate(s) who received the least votes shall be eliminated and the representatives shall (without speeches) vote by secret ballot for their choice amongst the remaining candidates, and if one candidate receives more than half of the votes then the Interim Speaker shall report to the King that the duly elected representatives recommend the appointment of that person as Prime Minister Designate;
    5. if no single candidate is elected under paragraph (d) then the Interim Speaker shall 2 days after that meeting convene another meeting and the procedure under paragraph (d) shall be likewise repeated, at 2 days intervals if necessary, until one candidate receives more than half of the votes cast; and the Interim Speaker shall report to the King that the duly elected representatives recommend the appointment of that person as Prime Minister Designate.
  2. If the representatives fail to make a recommendation to the King in accordance with the procedure in subsection (1) of this Schedule, the King may extend any of the times specified and may authorise the Interim Speaker to vary such procedure to enable a recommendation to be made.
  3. Upon receipt by the King from the Interim Speaker the recommendation of the elected representatives under subsection (1) of this Schedule, the Lord Chamberlain shall then summon the Prime Minister Designate to be appointed by the King.
  4. The Prime Minister shall take his oath of office before the Legislative Assembly at its first sitting.
  5. The Legislative Assembly shall also recommend the appointment of a Prime Minister following a vote of no confidence, in the manner provided in clause 50B of this Constitution.
  6. In the event of any other vacancy occurring in the office of Prime Minister, except following a vote of no confidence, the procedure specified in this Schedule shall be followed to enable the King to appoint a Prime Minister on the recommendation of the Legislative Assembly, but in such case the Speaker shall perform the role of the Interim Speaker specified in this Schedule.
  7. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with the calling or conduct of any meeting under this Schedule or the election or recommendation of the Prime Minister under this Schedule shall be determined by the Interim Speaker in consultation with the King.
  8. For the purposes of this Schedule, the King shall within 7 days of the declaration of the result of a general election, appoint a person who was not a candidate at the general election to be the Interim Speaker of the Assembly, and such person shall hold office as Interim Speaker until a Speaker is next appointed under clause 61 of this Constitution.