
Saudi Arabia 1992 Constitution (reviewed 2013)

Table of Contents

Shura Council Law

Article 1

In compliance with Allah Almighty words:

[Those who respond to their Lord, and establish regular prayer; who (conduct) their affairs by mutual consultation; who spend out of what we bestow on them for sustenance] “Shura Sura (ChapterXL11), Verse 38”. And [It is part of the Mercy of Allah that thou dost deal gently with them. Wert thou severe or harsh-hearted , they would have broken away from about thee : so pass over ( their faults , and ask for ( Allah’s ) forgiveness for them ; and consult them in affairs ( of moment ). Then, when thou hast taken a decision, put thy trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)] “Al-Imran Sura (Chapter III), Verse 159”.

And following His Messenger Peace Be Upon Him (PBUH) in consulting his Companions, and urging the (Muslim) Nation to engage in consultation. Shura Council shall be established to exercise the tasks entrusted to it, according to this Law and the Basic Law of Governance while adhering to Quran and the Path (Sunnah) of his Messenger (PBUH), maintaining brotherly ties and cooperating unto righteousness and piety.

Article 2

Shura Council shall hold fast to the bond of Allah and adhere to the sources of Islamic legislation. All members of the Council shall strive to serve the public interest, and preserve the unity of the community, the entity of the State and nation interests.

Article 3

The Shura Council shall consist of a Speaker and One hundred and fifty members chosen by the King from amongst scholars, those of knowledge, expertise and specialists, provided that women representation shall not be less than (20%) of members number. Their rights, duties and affairs shall be determined by a Royal Order.

Article 4

It is stipulated that the member of Shura Council shall be as follows:

  1. A Saudi national by descent and upbringing.
  2. A person well known for uprightness and competence.
  3. A person not less than 30 years of age.

Article 5

A member may submit a request to resign his membership to the Speaker, who in turn shall bring it before the King.

Article 6

Accountability of a member shall be done on failing to perform duties, and shall be trailed according to rules and procedures to be issued by royal decree.

Article 7

On vacancy of a member position, the King shall choose a substitution and a royal decree shall be issued to this effect.

Article 8

No member may exploit his membership for his own interest.

Article 9

The membership shall not be combined with any governmental post, or with the management of any organization, unless the King deems it necessary.

Article 10

Speaker, Vice-Speaker, Assistant Speaker and Secretary General shall be appointed and released by royal decree. Their ranks, rights, duties, and all their affairs shall be defined by royal decree.

Article 11

Prior to assumption of their duties, Speaker, members and Secretary General shall take the following Oath before the King:

“I swear to Allah Almighty to be loyal to my religion, then to my King and Country, and not to reveal any of the State’s secrets, to preserve its interests and laws, and to perform my duties with sincerity, integrity, loyalty and fairness.”

Article 12

Riyadh City shall be the seat of the Shura Council. The Council may convene in other locations within the Kingdom if the King deems it appropriate.

Article 13

Shura Council term shall be four Hijri years, effective from the specified date in the Royal Decree issued for its formation. A new Council shall be formed at least two months prior to the end of the current Council. In case term of the current council ends before a new formation; current Council shall remain active until the new formation is accomplished. Numbers of the newly selected members shall not be less than half of the current Council.

Article 14

The King, or whoever may deputize, shall deliver an annual royal speech at Shura Council on State’s domestic and foreign policy.

Article 15

Shura Council shall express its opinion on State’s general policies referred by Prime Minister. The Council shall specifically have the right to exercise the following:

  1. Discuss the general plan for economic and social development and give view.
  2. Revising laws and regulations, international treaties and agreements, concessions, and provide whatever suggestions it deems appropriate.
  3. Analyzing laws.
  4. Discuss government agencies annual reports and attaching new proposals when it deems appropriate.

Article 16

A meeting of Shura Council shall not be valid without a quorum of at least two thirds of members, including Speaker or whoever may deputizes. Resolutions shall not be considered valid without members’ majority approval.

Article 17

Shura council’s resolutions shall be submitted to the king who decides what resolutions to be referred to Cabinet. If views of both Shura Council and Cabinet agree, the resolutions are issued after the king approval. If views of both councils vary the issue shall be returned back to Shura Council to decide whatever it deems appropriate, and send the new resolution to the king who takes the final decisions.

Article 18

Laws, international treaties and agreements, and concessions shall be issued and amended by royal decrees after being reviewed by the Shura Council.

Article 19

Shura Council shall form the necessary specialized committees amongst its members to exercise power within its jurisdiction. Further, it may form ad hoc committees to review any item on its agenda.

Article 20

Shura Council’s committees may seek non-council members assistance of whomever fit upon Speaker’s approval.

Article 21

Shura Council shall have Steering Committee composed of Speaker, Vice Speaker, and heads of specialized committees.

Article 22

Speaker shall submit to Prime Minister requesting accountability of ministers. A minister shall have the right to participate in the deliberation but not the right to vote.

Article 23

Shura Council shall have the jurisdiction to propose a draft of a new law or an amendment of an enacted law and study them within the Shura Council. Speaker shall submit the Shura Council’s resolution of the new or amended law to the king.

Article 24

Speaker of Shura Council shall submit a request to the Prime Minister in providing the Council with documents and data in possession of government agencies, which the Council deems necessary to facilitate its work.

Article 25

Speaker shall submit an annual report to the King regarding Council’s work in accordance with its regulations.

Article 26

Civil service laws shall be applying to Shura Council employees unless the regulations provide otherwise.

Article 27

The King shall allocate Shura Council special budget. The budget shall be spent in accordance with rules issued by royal decree.

Article 28

Shura Council’s financial matters, auditing and closing accounts shall be regulated by special rules issued by royal decree.

Article 29

Shura Council regulations shall define the functions of the Speaker, the Vice Speaker, the General Secretary, the Assistant Speaker, its bodies, the methods of conducting its meetings, the management of its work, and the work of its committees and the voting procedure. The regulations shall also specify rules of debate, principles of responding and other matters conducive to order and discipline within the Shura Council, so that it may exercise its jurisdiction for the welfare of the Kingdom and the prosperity of its people. These regulations shall be issued by royal decree.

Article 30

Amendment of this Law can only be made in the same manner of the promulgation.

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