
Sudan 2019 Constitution

Table of Contents

Chapter 2. Transitional period

7. Duration of Transitional Period

  1. The duration of the transitional period shall be thirty nine Gregorian months, starting from the date of signing of this Constitutional Charter.
  2. During the first six months of the transitional period, the priority shall be given to working seriously to establish peace in accordance with the provisions of the transitional period program in this regard.

8. Mandate of the Transitional Period

During the transitional period, state agencies shall be committed to performing the following duties:

  1. Work on achieving a just and comprehensive peace, ending the war by addressing the roots of the Sudanese problem, treating its effects, and considering the provisional preferential measures for war-affected regions, underdeveloped regions and the most affected groups.
  2. Repeal laws and provisions that restrict freedoms or that discriminate between citizens on the basis of gender.
  3. Hold members of the former regime accountable in accordance with law for all crimes committed against the Sudanese people since 30 June 1989.
  4. Resolve the economic crisis by stopping economic deterioration and work on laying the foundations for sustainable development by implementing an urgent economic, social, financial, and humanitarian program to face current challenges.
  5. Carry out legal reform, rebuild and develop the rights and justice system, and ensure the independence of the judiciary and the rule of law.
  6. Work on settling the status of those who were arbitrarily dismissed from civil and military service, and strive to remedy the harm they suffered in accordance with the law.
  7. Guarantee and promote women’s rights in Sudan in all social, political, and economic fields, and combat all forms of discrimination against women, taking into account provisional preferential measures in both war and peace circumstances.
  8. Strengthen the role of young people of both sexes and expand their opportunities in all social, political and economic fields.
  9. Establish mechanisms to prepare to establish a permanent constitution for the Republic of Sudan.
  10. Hold the national constitutional conference before the end of the transitional period.
  11. Enact legislation related to the tasks of the transitional period.
  12. Establish programs to reform state agencies during the transitional period in a manner that reflects their independence, national nature, and the fair distribution of opportunities therein, without altering conditions of aptitude and competence. The task of reforming military bodies shall be entrusted to military institutions in accordance with the law.
  13. Establish a balanced foreign policy that achieves the state’s supreme national interests and that works on improving and building Sudan’s foreign relations, based on independence and shared interests in a manner that preserves Sudan’s sovereignty, security and borders.
  14. Play an active role in social welfare and achieve social development by striving to provide healthcare, education, housing and social security, and work on maintaining a clean natural environment and biodiversity in the country and protecting and developing it in a manner that guarantees the future of generations.
  15. Dismantle the 30 June 1989 regime’s structure for consolidation of power (tamkeen), and build a state of laws and institutions.
  16. Form a national independent investigation committee, with African support if necessary as assessed by the national committee, to conduct a transparent, detailed investigation of violations committed on 3 June 2019, and events and incidents where violations of the rights and dignity of civilian and military citizens were committed. The committee shall be formed within one month from the date of approval of the Prime Minister’s appointment. The order forming the committee shall contain guarantees that it will be independent and possess full powers to investigate and shall determine the timeframe for its work.

Chapter 3. Transitional Period Bodies

9. Levels of Government

  1. The Republic of Sudan is a decentralized state, whose levels of government are as follows:
    1. The federal level, which exercises its powers to protect the sovereignty of Sudan and the safety of its territory, and promote the welfare of its people by exercising powers on the national level;
    2. The regional or state level, which exercises its powers on the level of regions or states in accordance with measures that will be decided subsequently;
    3. The local level, which promotes broad popular participation and expresses the basic needs of citizens. The law determines its structures and powers.
  2. The different levels of government have exclusive and shared competencies and powers and resources for each level, as determined by the law.
  3. Until the geographical demarcation and distribution of powers and competencies between the levels of government is re-examined, the existing system shall remain in effect and executive governments shall be formed in the states, as determined by subsequent measures.

10. Transitional Government Bodies

The transitional government bodies are formed as follows:

  1. The Sovereignty Council, which is the head of state and the symbol of its sovereignty and unity;
  2. The Cabinet, which is the supreme, executive authority of the state;
  3. The Transitional Legislative Council, which is the authority responsible for legislation and oversight over the executive branch’s performance.
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