
Burkina Faso 1991 Constitution (reviewed 2015)

Table of Contents



We, representatives of the political parties, of the organizations of civil society, of the forces of defense and of security, of the religious and customary [coutumières] authorities of Burkina Faso, signatories of this Charter,

Basing [fondant] ourselves on the Constitution of 2 June 1991,

Considering the popular character of the insurrection of 30 and 31 October 2014 that led to the resignation of President Blaise COMPAORE,

Considering the heavy tribute paid by the daughters and the sons of Burkina Faso,

Considering the fight [combat] for the resumption of power by the People,

Considering the contribution and the patriotic and republican behavior of the forces of defense and of security which have assured the continuity of the power of State,

Considering the necessity for a political, democratic, civil, calm [apaisée] and inclusive transition,

Considering the necessary support [accompagnement] of the International Community to address [relever] the major challenges to which Burkina Faso will be confronted all during the period of transition,

Considering our attachment to democratic values and principles as inscribed in the African Charter of Democracy, of Elections and of Governance of 30 January 2007 of the African Union and in the Protocol A/SP1/12/01 of 21 December 2001 of the Economic Community of the States of West Africa [Communauté Économique des États de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDE40)] on democracy and good governance,

Drawing [tirant] [a] lesson from our political experience and engaged to construct a true State of democratic law [droit],

Conscious of the urgency of providing Burkina Faso with organs of transition to the end of filling the institutional void in the conduct of the public affairs,

Approve and adopt this Charter of the Transition which completes the Constitution of 2 June 1991 and of which this preamble is [an] integrant part.


Article 1

Other that the values affirmed by the Constitution in its preamble, this Charter consecrates the following values to guide the transition, its organs and as a whole the persons [of distinction] [personnalités] called to conduct it:

  • pardon and of reconciliation;

    sense of responsibility;

    tolerance and dialogue;

    discipline and public spirit [civisme];



    spirit of consensus and of discernment.

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