
Paraguay 1992 Constitution (reviewed 2011)

Table of Contents

Chapter VI. Of the Economic Policy of the State

Section I. Of National Economic Development

Article 176. Of the Economic Policy and of the Promotion of Development

The economic policy will have as goals [fines], fundamentally, the promotion of the economic, social and cultural development.

The State shall promote economic development through the rational use of the available resources, with the objective of stimulating [impulsar] an orderly and sustained growth of the economy, of creating new sources of jobs and of wealth, of increasing the national patrimony and of assuring the well-being of the population. Development will be promoted with global programs that coordinate and orient the national economic activity.

Article 177. Of the Character of the Development Plans

The national plans of development will be indicative for the private sector, and of obligatory fulfillment for the public sector.

Section II. Of Financial Organization

Article 178. Of the Resources of the State

For the fulfillment of its goals [fines], the State establishes taxes, rates, contributions and other resources; it exploits by itself or through concessionaires the assets of its private domain, over which it determines “royalties”, compensations or other rights, in just [justas] and appropriate conditions for the national interests; it organizes the exploitation of the public services and it provides for [percibe] the canon [canon] of the rights to be established. It contracts internal or international loans destined to the national programs of development; it regulates the financial system of the country, and it organizes, establishes and composes the monetary system.

Article 179. Of the Creation of Taxes

All taxes, whatever their nature or denomination may be, will be exclusively established by the law, in response to just economic and social principles, as well as to policies favorable to the national development.

Determining the taxable matters, the obligated subjects and the character of the tax system is also proprietary to the law.

Article 180. Of Double Imposition

The same act that generates the tax obligation may not be subject to double imposition. In [its] international relations, the State may celebrate agreements that avoid double imposition, on the basis of reciprocity.

Article 181. Of the Equality of the Tax

Equality is the basis of the tax. No tax will have a confiscatory character. Its creation and its enforcement [vigencia] will attend to the contributive capacity of the inhabitants and to the general conditions of the economy of the country.