
Sweden 1974 Constitution (reviewed 2012)

Table of Contents

Chapter 11. General provisions

Article 1

The provisions laid down in Chapter 14, Articles 1 to 3 of the Freedom of the Press Act concerning the re-opening of closed cases, examination of freedom of the press cases before a higher instance and prompt handling of such cases shall apply also in respect of corresponding cases under this Fundamental Law. Provisions laid down in an act of law or other statute apply in all respects not specially regulated in this Fundamental Law or in an act of law adopted by virtue of this Fundamental Law.

Foreign nationals are equated with Swedish citizens in respect of freedom of expression under this Fundamental Law unless otherwise provided in law.

Transitional provisions

Part 1. Transitional provisions 1991

  1. This Fundamental Law comes into force on 1 January 1992.
  2. The new provisions shall not apply to radio programmes transmitted before the Law comes into force.
  3. In the case of films and sound recordings delivered for dissemination before the Law comes into force, the new provisions shall apply with the following exceptions:
    1. a film or sound recording shall be regarded as having been delivered for dissemination on the date on which this Fundamental Law comes into force;
    2. the provisions of Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Article 13, paragraphs one to three, Chapter 4, Chapter 6, Articles 1 to 5, and Chapter 10, Article 1, paragraph one, sentence two, shall not apply;
    3. the disseminator of a film shall be liable under law for a freedom of expression offence committed in the film, if dissemination would have been punishable also under older provisions;
    4. liability for freedom of expression offences in a sound recording rests with the originator and the person who has taken part in the recording, if they are to be regarded as the perpetrators, and with the person who caused the recording to be made and the disseminator, always provided that their actions would have been punishable also under older provisions;
    5. contrary to the provisions of Chapter 8, Article 2, paragraph one, damages may be claimed for the content of a film or sound recording, from the person liable in penal law under points (c) and (d);
    6. the new provisions do not apply in respect of dissemination before the Law comes into force of films portraying sexual violence or coercion, or intrusive or protracted portrayal of gross violence against persons or animals;
    7. the new provisions are not applied if criminal proceedings have been instituted before the Law comes into force. If application of the new provisions would have resulted in freedom from penal sanctions, such shall however not be exacted.

Part 2. Transitional provisions relating to 1998 amendments

  1. This Act comes into force on 1 January 1999.
  2. In the case of technical recordings not covered by earlier wording and delivered for dissemination before the Act comes into force, the new provisions shall apply with the following exceptions:
    1. a technical recording shall be regarded as having been delivered for dissemination on the date on which this Act comes into force;
    2. the provisions of Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Article 13, paragraphs one to three, Chapter 4, Chapter 6, Articles 1 and 2, and Chapter 10, Article 1, paragraph one, sentence two, shall not apply;
    3. the disseminator of a technical recording shall be liable under law for a freedom of expression offence committed in the recording, if the act would have been punishable also under older provisions;
    4. contrary to the provisions of Chapter 8, Article 2, paragraph one, damages may be claimed for the content of a technical recording from the person liable in penal law under point (c), if a liability for damages would have existed under provisions of ordinary law;
    5. the new provisions do not apply in respect of dissemination before the Act comes into force of technical recordings with pictures which include portrayal of sexual violence or coercion;
    6. the new provisions are not applied if criminal proceedings have been instituted before the Act comes into force. If application of the new provisions would have resulted in freedom from penal sanctions, such shall however not be exacted.
  3. The older provisions shall be applied to sound recordings delivered for dissemination before the Act comes into force.
  4. Older provisions are applied in cases affecting portrayal of children in pornographic pictures if criminal proceedings have been instituted before the Act comes into force.

Part 3. Transitional provisions relating to 2002 amendments

  1. This law comes into force on 1 January 2003.
  2. Older provisions apply to such making available of information under Chapter 1, Article 9, as occurs before the law comes into force.
  3. The new provision in Chapter 7, Article 1, paragraph two, sentence one, concerning the period of limitation for freedom of expression offences committed by making available information under Chapter 1, Article 9, applies only to information which still forms part of the database when the law comes into force.
  4. The new provision in Chapter 7, Article 1, paragraph two, sentence three, applies only to technical recordings published after the law comes into force.
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