
Sweden 1974 Constitution (reviewed 2012)

Table of Contents

Chapter 9. Provisions concerning personnel and administration

Part 1. The Secretary-General of the Riksdag

Article 1

The Chamber appoints a Secretary-General. The Secretary-General of the Riksdag ensures that a record is kept of meetings of the Chamber. He or she dispatches the decisions of the Riksdag and assists the Speaker in the work of the Riksdag also in other respects. The Secretary-General of the Riksdag also acts as head of the Riksdag Administration and Secretary of the War Delegation.

The election of the Secretary-General of the Riksdag is held at the start of the parliamentary session following an ordinary election for the Riksdag and is valid until a new election of the Secretary-General is held. The election shall be prepared.

If the election is held by secret ballot, then the candidate who receives three quarters or more of the votes cast is elected. If three quarters or more of the votes cast are not obtained, a new election is held. If no candidate receives three quarters or more of the votes cast on this occasion either, the election will be prepared again.

Supplementary provision 9.1.1

The election of the Secretary-General of the Riksdag shall be prepared by a group consisting of the Speaker and the special representatives of the party groups.

Part 2. Secretariats of the Riksdag committees and the Committee on European Union Affairs

Article 2

The Riksdag committees and the Committee on European Union Affairs are assisted by secretariats which form part of the Riksdag Administration. The head of such a secretariat shall be a Swedish citizen.

Part 3. The Riksdag Administration

Article 3

The Riksdag draws up instructions for the Riksdag Administration.

Article 4

The Riksdag Administration shall, in respect of the Riksdag and authorities under the Riksdag, and to the extent determined by the Riksdag:

  • deal with questions relating to negotiations on terms and conditions of employment of personnel, and other staff matters;
    draw up proposals for appropriations under the national budget, but not in respect of the National Audit Office;

    deal with questions relating to the administration of the Riksdag in general, and questions concerning the financial administration of authorities under the Riksdag other than the Riksbank; and

    adopt provisions and recommendations concerning questions under points 1 to 3.

Part 4. Appeals

Article 5

Decisions by a Riksdag body in an administrative matter against which appeals may be lodged under special provisions are examined by an administrative court in cases determined by the Riksdag, and by the Riksdag Appeals Board in other cases.

The Appeals Board consists of a chair, who shall hold currently, or shall have held previously, an appointment as a permanent salaried judge, and who is not a member of the Riksdag, and four other members elected by the Riksdag from among its members. The chair is elected separately. Elections for the Appeals Board are valid for the electoral period of the Riksdag.

The chair of the Appeals Board shall have a deputy. Rules applying to the chair apply also to the deputy chair. At an election by secret ballot of a chair or a deputy chair of the Appeals Board, the procedure laid down in Chapter 8, Article 1, paragraph two, is applied.

Part 5. Remuneration of members and other financial terms and conditions

Article 6

A member of the Riksdag shall receive remuneration out of public funds. Rules regarding such matters, other financial terms and conditions relating to the mandate, and compensation paid to an alternate for a member of the Riksdag are laid down in law.

Part 6. Assistance with factual information

Article 7

Members of the Riksdag and Riksdag bodies shall have access to library services and shall be entitled in general to assistance in obtaining factual information for their Riksdag work.

Part 7. Prosecution

Article 8

Prosecution of officials listed below in respect of offences committed in the exercise of their office may be decided:

  • only by the Committee on Finance in the case of prosecution of a member of the General Council of the Riksbank or a member of the Executive Board of the Riksbank;
    only by the Committee on the Constitution in the case of prosecution of a member of the Riksdag Board, the Election Review Board or the Riksdag Appeals Board, or of one of the Parliamentary Ombudsmen, of one of the Auditors General or of the Secretary-General of the Riksdag.

The rules laid down in paragraph one concerning prosecution of a member of the Executive Board of the Riksbank shall not apply in respect of an offence committed in the exercise of the Riksbank’s decision-making powers under the Act on Exchange Control and Regulation of Credit (SFS 1992:1602).

Supplementary provision 9.8.1

Special provisions apply to the right to decide on prosecution of particular officials other than those named in Article 8.

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