
Singapore 1963 Constitution (reviewed 2016)

Table of Contents



  1. Deleted by Act 9/2010, wef 01/07/2010.
  2. Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the President shall, within 6 months after Parliament first sits after any General Election, appoint as nominated Members of Parliament the persons nominated by a Special Select Committee of Parliament.
  3. The Special Select Committee of Parliament shall consist of the Speaker as Chairman and 7 Members of Parliament to be nominated by the Committee of Selection of Parliament.
  4. Subject to Article 46, every person appointed as a nominated Member of Parliament shall serve for a term of 2 1/2 years commencing on the date of his appointment.
  5. The President shall, if advised by the Special Select Committee of Parliament, extend the term of service of every nominated Member of Parliament appointed before the date of commencement of section 4 (a) of the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore (Amendment) Act 2002 for a further period of 6 months so that the total period of any such nominated Member’s term of service shall be 2 1/2 years commencing from the date of his original appointment as such.


  1. In preparing the list of persons to be appointed as nominated Members of Parliament by the President, the Special Select Committee shall invite the general public to submit names of persons who may be considered for nomination by the Committee.
  2. Every name submitted under subsection (1) shall be made in such form as the Special Select Committee may determine, and shall be signed by 2 persons as proposer and seconder, respectively, and by not less than 4 other persons, all of whose names shall appear in any current register of electors.
  3. Before making any nomination for the appointment of nominated Members of Parliament, the Special Select Committee shall, wherever possible, consult other Members of Parliament in such manner as it thinks fit.


  1. The Special Select Committee shall, from the names of persons submitted to the Committee under section 2, nominate not more than 9 persons for appointment by the President as nominated Members of Parliament.
  2. The persons to be nominated shall be persons who have rendered distinguished public service, or who have brought honour to the Republic, or who have distinguished themselves in the field of arts and letters, culture, the sciences, business, industry, the professions, social or community service or the labour movement; and in making any nomination, the Special Select Committee shall have regard to the need for nominated Members to reflect as wide a range of independent and non-partisan views as possible.


  1. Whenever the seat of a nominated Member has become vacant by reason of the expiry of his term of service, the vacancy shall, as soon as practicable, be filled by the President by making an appointment on the nomination of the Special Select Committee referred to in section 1.
  2. Whenever the seat of a nominated Member has become vacant for any reason other than a dissolution of Parliament or the expiry of his term of service, the Special Select Committee may, if it thinks fit, nominate a person for the President to appoint as a nominated Member to fill the vacancy.
  1. As soon as practicable after 10th September 1990, the President shall on the nomination of the Special Select Committee appoint not more than 6 persons as nominated Members of Parliament.
  2. Where under section 3 the Special Select Committee has nominated less than 9 persons for appointment by the President as nominated Members, the Committee may, if it thinks fit, from time to time nominate one or more persons for the President to appoint as nominated Members but the number of persons so nominated together with the number of persons already nominated under section 3 shall not exceed 9.
  3. Sections 2 and 3 (2) shall apply to any nomination made by the Special Select Committee under section 4, 5 or 6; and for the purpose of section 4 (1) the Committee may invite the general public to submit names of persons who may be considered for nomination by the Committee before the seat of the nominated Member has become vacant.