
Indonesia 1945 Constitution (reinstated 1959, reviewed 2002)

Table of Contents

Chapter VII. The People’s Representative Council (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat or DPR)

Article 19

  1. Members of the DPR shall be elected through a general election.
  2. The structure of the DPR shall be regulated by law.
  3. The DPR shall convene in a session at least once a year.

Article 20

  1. The DPR shall hold the authority to establish laws.
  2. Each bill shall be discussed by the DPR and the President to reach joint approval.
  3. If a bill fails to reach joint approval, that bill shall not be reintroduced within the same DPR term of sessions.
  4. The President signs a jointly approved bill to become a law.
  5. If the President fails to sign a jointly approved bill within 30 days following such approval, that bill shall legally become a law and must be promulgated.

Article 20A

  1. The DPR shall hold legislative, budgeting and oversight functions.
  2. In carrying out its functions, in addition to the rights regulated in other articles of this Constitution, the DPR shall hold the right of interpellation (interpelasi), the right of investigation (angket), and the right to declare an opinion.
  3. Other than the rights regulated in other articles of this Constitution, every DPR member shall hold the right to submit questions, the right to propose suggestions and opinions, and the right of immunity.
  4. Further provisions on the rights of the DPR and the rights of DPR members shall be regulated by law.

Article 21

DPR members shall have the right to propose bills.

Article 22

  1. Should exigencies compel, the President shall have the right to establish government regulations in lieu of laws.
  2. Such government regulations must obtain the approval of the DPR during its next session.
  3. Should there be no such approval, these government regulations shall be revoked.

Article 22A

Further provisions regarding the procedures to establish laws shall be regulated by law.

Article 22B

DPR members may be removed from office, according to conditions and procedures which shall be regulated by law.

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