
Slovakia 1992 Constitution (reviewed 2017)

Table of Contents

CHAPTER NINE. Transitional and Final Provisions

Article 152

  1. Constitutional laws, laws, and other generally binding legal regulations remain in force in the Slovak Republic unless they conflict with this Constitution. They can be amended and abolished by the relevant bodies of the Slovak Republic.
  2. Laws and other generally binding legal regulations issued in the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic become invalid on the 90th day after the publication of the ruling on their invalidity by the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic in a manner established for the promulgation of laws.
  3. Decisions on the invalidity of legal regulations are made by the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic at the proposal of persons listed in Article 130.
  4. The interpretation and application of constitutional laws, laws, and other generally binding legal regulations must be in compliance with this Constitution.

Article 153

Rights and duties arising from international treaties by which the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic is bound are transferred to the Slovak Republic to an extent established by a Czech and Slovak Federative Republic constitutional law or by an agreement between the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic.

Article 154

  1. The Slovak National Council elected according to Article 103 of Constitutional Law No. 143/1968 Coll. on the Czecho-Slovak Federation, as amended, will execute its powers as the National Council of the Slovak Republic pursuant to this Constitution. The electoral term of the National Council of the Slovak Republic is counted from the day of elections to the Slovak National Council.
  2. The Government of the Slovak Republic appointed according to Article 122, paragraph 1, letter a) of Constitutional Law No. 143/1968 Coll. on the Czecho-Slovak Federation, as amended, is regarded as a government appointed according to this Constitution.
  3. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic and the Prosecutor General of the Slovak Republic, who have been appointed to their posts according to present legal regulations, retain their posts until appointments according to this Constitution are made.
  4. Judges of Slovak Republic courts appointed to their posts according to present legal regulations are regarded as appointed to their posts according to this Constitution, without any time limit.

Article 154a

The elections of the President of the Slovak Republic under this constitutional law is called by the Speaker of the National Council of the Slovak Republic within 30 days from the day a law issued pursuant to Article 101, paragraph 10 becomes effective.

Article 154b

  1. A judge elected for four years before this constitutional law comes into effect is, after his term of office elapses and upon the proposal of the Judicial Council of the Slovak Republic, appointed by the President of the Slovak Republic a judge without any time limit even if on the day of appointment has not reached 30 years of age.
  2. Judges elected pursuant to the present regulations without a time limit are considered to be judges appointed pursuant to this constitutional law.
  3. Provisions of the Article 134, paragraph 2, first sentence and paragraph 3, second sentence do not apply to judges of the Constitutional Court appointed before this constitutional law comes into effect.

Article 154c

  1. International treaties on human rights and fundamental freedoms that were ratified by the Slovak Republic and promulgated in a manner laid down by law before this constitutional law comes into effect are a part of its legal order and have primacy over the law, if that they provide greater scope of constitutional rights and freedoms.
  2. Other international treaties which were ratified by the Slovak republic and promulgated as required by law before this constitutional law comes into effect are a part of its legal order, if so laid down by law.

Article 154d

  1. The Slovak National Council elected under Article 103 of the Czecho-Slovak Federation Constitutional Act 143/1968 and its amendments shall operate under the new name of the National Council of the Slovak Republic as provided by this Constitution. Its term begins on the election date of the Slovak National Council.
  2. The Government of the Slovak Republic appointed under Article 122, section (1) a) of the Czecho-Slovak Federation Constitutional Act 143/1968 and its amendments shall be deemed to be the government appointed under this Constitution.
  3. The President of the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic and the Attorney-General of the Slovak Republic appointed under the previous legislation shall remain in office until appointed under this Constitution.
  4. Judges elected under the previous statutory enactments shall be deemed to have been elected to office for indefinite term under this Constitution.

Article 154e

  1. In the 2017 elections, the deputies to regional self-administration councils and chairmen of self-administration regions shall be elected for a five-year term by inhabitants having permanent residence in the respective self-administration region in universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot.
  2. Article 69.5 second sentence and 69.6 first sentence shall not apply to the 2017 elections of deputies to regional self-administration councils and chairmen of self-administration regions.

Article 154f

  1. Article 86 subpar. i), Article 88a, and Article 129a also apply to Article V and Article VI Decision of the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic dated 3 March 1998 on Amnesties promulgated under no. 55/1998 Z. z., Decision of the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic dated 7 July 1998 on Amnesties promulgated under no. 214/1998 Z. z., and the decision of the President of the Slovak Republic dated 12 December 1998 in proceedings on granting pardon no. 3573/96-72-2417.
  2. Annulling amnesties or pardons pursuant to paragraph 1
    1. means that any decisions of state bodies, to the extent to which they have been issued and reasoned on the basis of the amnesties and pardons referred to in paragraph 1, shall also be annulled, and
    2. results in the dissolution of legal obstacles to criminal proceedings having basis in the amnesties and pardons referred to in paragraph 1; the duration of these legal obstacles is excluded from the limitations periods relating to crimes for which the amnesties and pardons pursuant to paragraph 1 have been granted.

Article 155

The following are repealed:

  1. Constitutional Law of the Slovak National Council No. 50/1990 Coll. on the Name, State Emblem, National Flag, State Seal and National Anthem of the Slovak Republic.
  2. Constitutional Law of the Slovak National Council No. 79/1990 Coll. on the Number of Slovak National Council Deputies; on the Text of the Oath of Slovak National Council Deputies, Members of the Slovak Republic Government, and National Committee Deputies; and on the Slovak National Council Electoral Period.
  3. Constitutional Law of the Slovak National Council No. 7/1992 Coll. on the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic.

Article 156

Constitution of the Slovak Republic No. 460/1992 Coll. came into effect on October 1st, 1992, with the exception of Article 3, paragraph 2; Article 23, paragraph 4, as regards the deportation, or extradition of a citizen to another state; Article 53; Article 84, paragraph 3, as regards declaration of war on another state; Article 86, letters k) and l); Article 102, letter g), as regards the appointment of university professors and rectors and the appointment and promotion of generals, and letters j) and k); Article 152, paragraph 1, second sentence, as regards constitutional laws, laws, and other generally binding legal regulations issued by CSFR bodies, which came into force simultaneously with the appropriate changes in the constitutional arrangement of the CSFR, in line with this Constitution.

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