
Liechtenstein 1921 Constitution (reviewed 2011)

Table of Contents


Article 106

Open-ended judicial positions may only be created with the consent of Parliament.

Article 107

The organization of the authorities shall be determined by legislation. Subject to treaty obligations, all authorities must have their seat within the territory of the State; collegial authorities must include at least a majority of Liechtenstein citizens.

Article 108

Members of the Government, State officials, and all mayors, their deputies and the treasurers of the communes shall take the following oath on appointment:

“I swear that I will be loyal to the Prince Regnant, that I will obey the laws and that I will strictly observe the Constitution. So help me God.”

Article 109

  1. The State, the communes and other corporations, establishments and foundations of public law are liable for damage caused to third persons by individuals acting as their bodies who in their official capacity act illegally. In the case of wilful damage or gross negligence, restitution by the responsible persons is reserved.
  2. Individuals acting as bodies are answerable to the State, the commune, or other corporation, establishment or foundation of public law which they serve for any damage directly caused to such bodies through the wilful or grossly negligent breach of their official duties.
  3. Further provisions, especially those relating to competence, shall be laid down in a separate law.
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