
Mozambique 2004 Constitution (reviewed 2007)

Table of Contents


Article 234. Definition

  1. The Public Prosecution Service shall constitute a hierarchically organized magistracy, which is subordinate to the Attorney General of the Republic.
  2. In the exercise of their functions, the judicial officers and agents of the Public Prosecution Service shall be subject to the criteria of legality, objectivity, impartiality and exclusive obedience to the directives and orders prescribed by law.
  3. The Public Prosecution Service shall enjoy its own statute and autonomy, within the terms of the law.

Article 235. Nature

The Public Prosecution Service shall comprise a magistracy, the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic and subordinate offices.

Article 236. Functions

The Public Prosecution Service shall represent the State and defend such interests as the law may determine, and it shall control the legality and duration of detentions, shall conduct the institution of criminal proceedings, shall exercise penal authority, and shall ensure the legal defence of minors and absent or incapacitated persons.

Article 237. Office of Attorney General of the Republic

  1. The Office of the Attorney General shall be the highest office of the Public Prosecution Service, and its organisation, composition and powers shall be defined by law.
  2. The Attorney General of the Republic, assisted by the Deputy Attorney General of the Republic, shall head the Office of the Attorney General.

Article 238. Superior Council of the Public Prosecution Service

  1. The Office of the Attorney General of the Republic shall include the Superior Council of the Public Prosecution Service, which shall include members elected by the Assembly of the Republic, and members elected by the judicial officers of the Public Prosecution Service from among their number.
  2. The Superior Council of the Public Prosecution Service shall be the body responsible for the management and discipline of the Public Prosecution Service.
  3. The law shall regulate the organisation, composition and functioning of the Superior Council of the Public Prosecution Service.

Article 239. Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General of the Republic

  1. The Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General of the Republic shall be appointed by the President of the Republic for a period of five years, from among persons who shall hold degrees in law and shall have at least ten years of professional experience in the judiciary or practice at the bar or in teaching law, and their terms of office may not be terminated otherwise than by:
    1. resignation;
    2. exoneration;
    3. dismissal;
    4. compulsory retirement consequent to disciplinary or criminal proceedings;
    5. acceptance of a position or office which is incompatible with the exercise of his functions.
  2. The Attorney General of the Republic shall be accountable to the Head of State.
  3. The Attorney General of the Republic shall report annually to the Assembly of the Republic.

Article 240. Deputy Attorneys General

  1. The Deputy Attorneys General shall represent the Public Prosecution Service before the divisions of the Supreme Court and the Administrative Court, and their office shall be the highest office in the magistracy of the Public Prosecution Service.
  2. Deputy Attorneys General shall be nominated by the President of the Republic on the recommendation of the Superior Council of the Public Prosecution Service, on the basis of their curricula, after a public tender open to national citizens of reputed merit, who shall hold degrees in law and be in full possession of their civil and political rights and who, at the time of the tender, shall be of at least thirty-five years of age and shall have at least ten years of experience in the legal profession or in teaching law.