
Poland 1997 Constitution (reviewed 2009)

Table of Contents



Article 202

  1. The Supreme Chamber of Control shall be the chief organ of state audit.
  2. The Supreme Chamber of Control shall be subordinate to the Sejm.
  3. The Supreme Chamber of Control shall act in accordance with the principles of collegiality.

Article 203

  1. The Supreme Chamber of Control shall audit the activity of the organs of government administration, the National Bank of Poland, state legal persons and other State organizational units regarding the legality, economic prudence, efficacy and diligence.
  2. The Supreme Chamber of Control may audit the activity of the organs of local self-government, communal legal persons and other communal organizational units regarding the legality, economic prudence and diligence.
  3. The Supreme Chamber of Control may also audit, regarding the legality and economic prudence, the activity of other organizational units and economic subjects, to the extent to which they utilize State or communal property or resources or satisfy financial obligations to the State.

Article 204

  1. The Supreme Chamber of Control shall present to the Sejm:
    1. an analysis of the implementation of the State Budget and the purposes of monetary policy;
    2. an opinion concerning the vote to accept the accounts for the preceding year budget presented by the Council of Ministers;
    3. information on the results of audits, conclusions and submissions specified by statute.
  2. The Supreme Chamber of Control shall present an annual report on its activities to the Sejm.

Article 205

  1. The President of the Supreme Chamber of Control shall be appointed by the Sejm, with the consent of the Senate, for a period of 6 years, which may be extended for one more period only.
  2. The President of the Supreme Chamber of Control shall not hold any other post, except for a professorship in an institute of higher education, nor perform any other professional activities.
  3. The President of the Supreme Chamber of Control shall not belong to a political party, a trade union or perform public activities incompatible with the dignity of his office.

Article 206

The President of the Supreme Chamber of Control shall not be held criminally responsible nor deprived of liberty without prior consent granted by the Sejm. The President of the Supreme Chamber of Control shall be neither detained nor arrested, except for cases when he has been apprehended in the commission of an offence and in which his detention is necessary for securing the proper course of proceedings. The Marshal of the Sejm shall be notified forthwith of such detention and may order an immediate release of the person detained.

Article 207

The organization and mode of work of the Supreme Chamber of Control shall be specified by statute.


Article 208

  1. The Commissioner for Citizens’ Rights shall safeguard the freedoms and rights of persons and citizens specified in the Constitution and other normative acts.
  2. The scope and mode of work of the Commissioner for Citizens’ Rights shall be specified by statute.

Article 209

  1. The Commissioner for Citizens’ Rights shall be appointed by the Sejm, with the consent of the Senate, for a period of 5 years.
  2. The Commissioner for Citizens’ Rights shall not hold any other post, except for a professorship in an institute of higher education, nor perform any other professional activities.
  3. The Commissioner for Citizens’ Rights shall not belong to a political party, a trade union or perform other public activities incompatible with the dignity of his office.

Article 210

The Commissioner for Citizens’ Rights shall be independent in his activities, independent of other State organs and shall be accountable only to the Sejm in accordance with principles specified by statute.

Article 211

The Commissioner for Citizens’ Rights shall not be held criminally responsible nor deprived of liberty without prior consent granted by the Sejm. The Commissioner for Citizens’ Rights shall be neither detained nor arrested, except for cases when he has been apprehended in the commission of an offence and in which his detention is necessary for securing the proper course of proceedings. The Marshal of the Sejm shall be notified forthwith of any such detention and may order an immediate release of the person detained.

Article 212

The Commissioner for Citizens’ Rights shall annually inform the Sejm and the Senate about his activities and report on the degree of respect accorded to the freedoms and rights of persons and citizens.


Article 213

  1. The National Council of Radio Broadcasting and Television shall safeguard the freedom of speech, the right to information as well as safeguard the public interest regarding radio broadcasting and television.
  2. The National Council of Radio Broadcasting and Television shall issue regulations and, in individual cases, adopt resolutions.

Article 214

  1. The members of the National Council of Radio Broadcasting and Television shall be appointed by the Sejm, the Senate and the President of the Republic.
  2. A member of the National Council of Radio Broadcasting and Television shall not belong to a political party, a trade union or perform public activities incompatible with the dignity of his function.

Article 215

The principles for and mode of work of the National Council of Radio Broadcasting and Television, its organization and detailed principles for appointing its members, shall be specified by statute.