
Poland 1997 Constitution (reviewed 2009)

Table of Contents


Article 95

  1. Legislative power in the Republic of Poland shall be exercised by the Sejm and the Senate.
  2. The Sejm shall exercise control over the activities of the Council of Ministers within the scope specified by the provisions of the Constitution and statutes.


Article 96

  1. The Sejm shall be composed of 460 Deputies.
  2. Elections to the Sejm shall be universal, equal, direct and proportional and shall be conducted by secret ballot.

Article 97

  1. The Senate shall be composed of 100 Senators.
  2. Elections to the Senate shall be universal, direct and shall be conducted by secret ballot.

Article 98

  1. The Sejm and the Senate shall be chosen each for a 4-year term of office. The term of office of the Sejm and Senate shall begin on the day on which the Sejm assembles for its first sitting and shall continue until the day preceding the assembly of the Sejm of the succeeding term of office.
  2. Elections to the Sejm and the Senate shall be ordered by the President of the Republic no later than 90 days before the expiry of the 4 year period beginning with the commencement of the Sejm’s and Senate’s term of office, and he shall order such elections to be held on a non-working day which shall be within the 30 day period before the expiry of the 4 year period beginning from the commencement of the Sejm’s and Senate’s term of office.
  3. The Sejm may shorten its term of office by a resolution passed by a majority of at least two-thirds of the votes of the statutory number of Deputies. Any shortening of the term of office of the Sejm shall simultaneously mean a shortening of the term of office of the Senate. The provisions of para. 5 above shall apply as appropriate.
  4. The President of the Republic, after seeking the opinion of the Marshal of the Sejm and the Marshal of the Senate, may, in those instances specified in the Constitution, order shortening of the Sejm’s term of office. Whenever the term of office of the Sejm has been so shortened, then the term of office of the Senate shall also be shortened.
  5. The President of the Republic, when ordering the shortening of the Sejm’s term of office, shall simultaneously order elections to the Sejm and the Senate, and shall order them to be held on a day falling no later than within the 45 day period from the day of the official announcement of Presidential order on the shortening of the Sejm’s term of office. The President of the Republic shall summon the first sitting of the newly elected Sejm no later than the 15th day after the day on which the elections were held.
  6. In the event of shortening of the Sejm’s term of office, the provisions of para. 1 above shall apply as appropriate.

Article 99

  1. Every citizen having the right to vote, who, no later than on the day of the elections, has attained the age of 21 years, shall be eligible to be elected to the Sejm.
  2. Every citizen having the right to vote, who, no later than on the day of the elections, has attained the age of 30 years, shall be eligible to be elected to the Senate.
  3. No person sentenced to imprisonment by a final judgment for an intentional indictable offence may be elected to the Sejm or the Senate.

Article 100

  1. Candidates for Deputies and Senators may be nominated by political parties or voters.
  2. No one may stand for election to the Sejm and the Senate at the same time.
  3. The principles of and procedures for the nomination of candidates and the conduct of the elections, as well as the requirements for validity of the elections, shall be specified by statute.

Article 101

  1. The Supreme Court shall adjudicate upon the validity of the elections to the Sejm and the Senate.
  2. A voter shall have the right to submit a complaint to the Supreme Court against the validity of the elections in accordance with principles specified by statute.


Article 102

No one may be a Deputy and Senator at the same time.

Article 103

  1. The mandate of a Deputy shall not be held jointly with the office of the President of the National Bank of Poland, the President of the Supreme Chamber of Control, the Commissioner for Citizens’ Rights, the Commissioner for Children’s Rights or their deputies, a member of the Council for Monetary Policy, a member of the National Council of Radio Broadcasting and Television, ambassador, or with employment in the Chancellory of the Sejm, Chancellery of the Senate, Chancellery of the President of the Republic, or with employment in government administration. This prohibition shall not apply to members of the Council of Ministers and secretaries of state in government administration.
  2. No judge, public prosecutor, officer of the civil service, soldier on active military service or functionary of the police or of the services of State protection shall exercise the mandate of a Deputy.
  3. Other instances prohibiting the holding of a mandate of a Deputy or prohibiting the exercise of a mandate jointly with other public functions may be specified by statute.

Article 104

  1. Deputies shall be representatives of the Nation. They shall not be bound by any instructions of the electorate.
  2. Deputies, before the commencement of the exercise of the mandate, shall take the following oath in the presence of the Sejm:”I do solemnly swear to perform my duties to the Nation diligently and conscientiously, to safeguard the sovereignty and interests of the State, to do all within my power for the prosperity of the Homeland and the well-being of its citizens, and to observe the Constitution and other laws of the Republic of Poland.”

    The oath may also be taken with the additional sentence “So help me, God.”

  3. A refusal to take the oath shall be deemed to be a renunciation of the mandate.

Article 105

  1. A Deputy shall not be held accountable for his activity performed within the scope of a Deputy’s mandate during the term thereof nor after its completion. Regarding such activities, a Deputy can only be held accountable before the Sejm and, in a case where he has infringed the rights of third parties, he may only be proceeded against before a court with the consent of the Sejm.
  2. From the day of announcement of the results of the elections until the day of the expiry of his mandate, a Deputy shall not be subjected to criminal accountability without the consent of the Sejm.
  3. Criminal proceedings instituted against a person before the day of his election as Deputy, shall be suspended at the request of the Sejm until the time of expiry of the mandate. In such instance, the statute of limitation with respect to criminal proceedings shall be extended for the equivalent time.
  4. A Deputy may consent to be brought to criminal accountability. In such instance, the provisions of paras. 2 and 3 shall not apply.
  5. A Deputy shall be neither detained nor arrested without the consent of the Sejm, except for cases in flagrante delicto and in which his detention is necessary for securing the proper course of proceedings. Any such detention shall be immediately communicated to the Marshal of the Sejm, who may order an immediate release of the Deputy.
  6. Detailed principles of and procedures for bringing Deputies to criminal accountability shall be specified by statute.

Article 106

Conditions appropriate to the effective discharge of their duties by the Deputies as well as for defence of their rights resulting from the exercise of their mandate shall be specified by statute.

Article 107

  1. Deputies shall not be permitted, to the extent specified by statute, to perform any business activity involving any benefit derived from the property of the State Treasury or local self-government or to acquire such property.
  2. In respect of any breach of the prohibition specified in para. 1 above, a Deputy shall, by resolution of the Sejm adopted on a motion of the Marshal of the Sejm, be brought to accountability before the Tribunal of State which shall adjudicate upon forfeiture of the mandate.

Article 108

The provisions of Articles 103-107 shall apply, as appropriate, to Senators.


Article 109

  1. The Sejm and the Senate shall debate in the course of sittings.
  2. The first sitting of the Sejm and Senate shall be summoned by the President of the Republic to be held on a day within 30 days following the day of the elections, except for instances specified in Article 98, paras. 3 and 5.

Article 110

  1. The Sejm shall elect from amongst its members a Marshal of the Sejm and Vice-Marshals.
  2. The Marshal of the Sejm shall preside over the debates of the Sejm, safeguard the rights of the Sejm as well as represent the Sejm in external matters.
  3. The Sejm shall appoint standing committees and may also appoint special committees.

Article 111

  1. The Sejm may appoint an investigative committee to examine a particular matter.
  2. The procedures for work by an investigative committee shall be specified by statute.

Article 112

The internal organization and conduct of work of the Sejm and the procedure for appointment and operation of its organs as well as the manner of performance of obligations, both constitutional and statutory, by State organs in relation to the Sejm, shall be specified in the rules of procedure adopted by the Sejm.

Article 113

Sittings of the Sejm shall be open to the public. The Sejm may resolve, by an absolute majority vote taken in the presence of at least half of the statutory number of Deputies, to hold a debate in secret.

Article 114

  1. In instances specified in the Constitution, the Sejm and the Senate sitting in joint session, shall act as the National Assembly, with the Marshal of the Sejm presiding or, in his absence the Marshal of the Senate.
  2. The National Assembly shall adopt its own rules of procedure.

Article 115

  1. The Prime Minister and other members of the Council of Ministers shall furnish answers to interpellations and Deputies’ questions within 21 days.
  2. The Prime Minister and other members of the Council of Ministers shall furnish answers to matters raised in the course of each sitting of the Sejm.

Article 116

  1. The Sejm shall declare, in the name of the Republic of Poland, a state of war and the conclusion of peace.
  2. The Sejm may adopt a resolution on a state of war only in the event of armed aggression against the territory of the Republic of Poland or when an obligation of common defence against aggression arises by virtue of international agreements. If the Sejm cannot assemble for a sitting, the President of the Republic may declare a state of war.

Article 117

The principles for deployment of the Armed Forces beyond the borders of the Republic of Poland shall be specified by a ratified international agreement or by statute. The principles for the presence of foreign troops on the territory of the Republic of Poland and the principles for their movement within that territory shall be specified by ratified agreements or statutes.

Article 118

  1. The right to introduce legislation shall belong to Deputies, to the Senate, to the President of the Republic and to the Council of Ministers.
  2. The right to introduce legislation shall also belong to a group of at least 100,000 citizens having the right to vote in elections to the Sejm. The procedure in such matter shall be specified by statute.
  3. Sponsors, when introducing a bill to the Sejm, shall indicate the financial consequences of its implementation.

Article 119

  1. The Sejm shall consider bills in the course of three readings.
  2. The right to introduce amendments to a bill in the course of its consideration by the Sejm shall belong to its sponsor, Deputies and the Council of Ministers.
  3. The Marshal of the Sejm may refuse to put to a vote any amendment which has not previously been submitted to a committee.
  4. The sponsor may withdraw a bill in the course of legislative proceedings in the Sejm until the conclusion of its second reading.

Article 120

The Sejm shall pass bills by a simple majority vote, in the presence of at least half of the statutory number of Deputies, unless the Constitution provides for another majority. The same procedure shall be applied by the Sejm in adoption of resolutions, unless a statute or a resolution of the Sejm provide otherwise.

Article 121

  1. A bill passed by the Sejm shall be submitted to the Senate by the Marshal of the Sejm.
  2. The Senate, within 30 days of submission of a bill, may adopt it without amendment, adopt amendments or resolve upon its complete rejection. If, within 30 days following the submission of the bill, the Senate fails to adopt an appropriate resolution, the bill shall be considered adopted according to the wording submitted by the Sejm.
  3. A resolution of the Senate rejecting a bill, or an amendment proposed in the Senate’s resolution, shall be considered accepted unless the Sejm rejects it by an absolute majority vote in the presence of at least half of the statutory number of Deputies.

Article 122

  1. After the completion of the procedure specified in Article 121, the Marshal of the Sejm shall submit an adopted bill to the President of the Republic for signature.
  2. The President of the Republic shall sign a bill within 21 days of its submission and shall order its promulgation in the Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland (Dziennik Ustaw).
  3. The President of the Republic may, before signing a bill, refer it to the Constitutional Tribunal for an adjudication upon its conformity to the Constitution. The President of the Republic shall not refuse to sign a bill which has been judged by the Constitutional Tribunal as conforming to the Constitution.
  4. The President of the Republic shall refuse to sign a bill which the Constitutional Tribunal has judged not to be in conformity to the Constitution. If, however, the non­conformity to the Constitution relates to particular provisions of the bill, and the Tribunal has not judged that they are inseparably connected with the whole bill, then, the President of the Republic, after seeking the opinion of the Marshal of the Sejm, shall sign the bill with the omission of those provisions considered as being in non­conformity to the Constitution or shall return the bill to the Sejm for the purpose of removing the non-conformity.
  5. If the President of the Republic has not made reference to the Constitutional Tribunal in accordance with para. 3, he may refer the bill, with reasons given, to the Sejm for its reconsideration. If the said bill is repassed by the Sejm by a three-fifths majority vote in the presence of at least half of the statutory number of Deputies, then, the President of the Republic shall sign it within 7 days and shall order its promulgation in the Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland (Dziennik Ustaw). If the said bill has been repassed by the Sejm, the President of the Republic shall have no right to refer it to the Constitutional Tribunal in accordance with the procedure prescribed in para. 3.
  6. Any such reference by the President of the Republic to the Constitutional Tribunal for an adjudication upon the conformity of a statute to the Constitution, or any application for reconsideration of a bill, shall suspend the period of time allowed for its signature, specified in para. 2, above.

Article 123

  1. The Council of Ministers may classify a bill adopted by itself as urgent, with the exception of tax bills, bills governing elections to the Presidency of the Republic of Poland, to the Sejm, to the Senate and to organs of local self-government, bills governing the structure and jurisdiction of public authorities, and also drafts of law codes.
  2. The rules of procedure of the Sejm and the rules of procedure of the Senate shall define the modifications in the legislative procedure when a bill has been classified as urgent.
  3. In the legislative procedure in relation to a bill classified as urgent, the time period for its consideration by the Senate shall be 14 days and the period for its signature by the President of the Republic shall be 7 days.

Article 124

The provisions of Article 110, Article 112, Article 113 and Article 120 shall apply, as appropriate, to the Senate.


Article 125

  1. A nationwide referendum may be held in respect of matters of particular importance to the State.
  2. The right to order a nationwide referendum shall be vested in the Sejm, to be taken by an absolute majority of votes in the presence of at least half of the statutory number of Deputies, or in the President of the Republic with the consent of the Senate given by an absolute majority vote taken in the presence of at least half of the statutory number of Senators.
  3. A result of a nationwide referendum shall be binding, if more than half of the number of those having the right to vote have participated in it.
  4. The validity of a nationwide referendum and the referendum referred to in Article 235, para. 6, shall be determined by the Supreme Court.
  5. The principles of and procedures for the holding of a referendum shall be specified by statute.
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